What I’ve Been Up To
None of this has much to do with writing–just what’s been happening the last week.
I was supposed to have a booksigning in Ventura, but heard from the owner that it had to be cancelled. We had planned to visit the Reagan Library while we were there and decided to go anyway. We had daughters who live in the area so we always like to visit.
The Reagan Library is fantastic. We happened to go during an Abraham Lincoln exhibit with the Emancapation Proclomation on display. That was worth the price of the ticket. But there was much more to see: the Oval Office exactly as it looked when Reagan was president, Nancy’s wardrobe including a note telling when she wore each outfit or gown, a replica of the White House Rose Garden and lawn and Reagan’s burial site.
The highlight of the trip, though, was Air Force One. It is displayed on a pedastal in a huge area with a window wall looking like it’s coming in for a landing. Everyone can walk through it and it looks like it did when Reagan used it, including the black box. Fascinating! The helicopter (or one like it) that flew the president from the White House to Andrews AFB is also on display, along with his limosine and LA escort police cars.
There’s lots more to see–we were there from 10:30 a.m. until 4. After that, we had dinner at our youngest daughter’s home along with her family and our eldest daughter and hubby who’d taken us to the Reagan Library.
Saturday, hubby and I attended a lovely party. We don’t go to many parties these days, so this was a treat. It was held outside–it rained all morning so wasn’t sure whether the party would still happen–in a beautiful garden. Tables and chairs were set up on the lawn with a wonderful spread of food and desserts in the patio.
The inside of the house was decorated with all sorts of scarecrows.
We didn’t really know many of the guests. The hostess is one of my biggest fans and asked me to bring a copy of Kindred Spirits for her to buy–which I did of course.
Up to this point I hadn’t found a place to launch Kindred Spirits in my home town. While sitting at a table with a local shop owner, Jenuine Junque, we got to talking and she is willing to clear out one of her rooms so I can have a book signing there. So, it does help to chit-chat with folks.
We did have a good time and solved a problem.
Next I’m off to the Wizards of Words conference in Scottsdale AZ.
Thank you for the addition of the photos of Reagan library, added a lot to my blog. I’m fortunate to be associated with such talented ladies!