Have Your Cake & Eat It Too!

As Murder Takes the Cake is making its way onto library shelves across the U.S. we’d like to celebrate with a SPECIAL DRAWING JUST FOR LIBRARIANS.

Sign up for our newsletter at our website. The sign up block is on the right column, just scroll down a few inches. Indicate on the sign up form that you are a librarian or work/volunteer in a library. You’ll be automatically entered into the June, July, and August 2009 drawing for an autographed copy of Murder Takes the Cake and a Smith Island Cake.

If you are already an Evelyn David Newsletter subscriber and need to update your subscription to indicate that you are a librarian, just follow the same procedure.

3 months – 3 drawings. Sign up today and have 3 chances to win!

Good luck!

And for all the rest of us who are not lucky enough to work in a library? Check back, we’ve got another great contest coming this summer!

Evelyn David

2 replies
  1. Feeding the Grey Cells
    Feeding the Grey Cells says:

    Sigh, of course, this is just one more reason I wish I had become a librarian.

  2. The Stiletto Gang
    The Stiletto Gang says:

    Hi Grey Cells,

    Don't worry, sometime this summer even the non-librarian newsletter subscribers are going to get an opportunity to participate in a "Cake" drawing. Promise!

    Evelyn David

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