Susan Lucci Syndrome Broken, Finally!
I’ve been a member of Epic the premier organization for electronically published authors. The organization began before the first e-reader came long–The Rocket eReader. The first convention was held in Omaha NE and yes, I as there. In fact, with the exception of last year’s, I’ve attended every one.
They’ve given out awards for the “best” e-book in many categories at each of these conferences. And I’ve had an e-book as a finalist in almost everyone of these conferences. Even being a finalist is an honor as hundreds of books are entered, but I’ve never won.
I know exactly how the Academy Award nominees feel when their names are not called for the category they’ve been nominated for. Sure, I was disappointed but I always smiled and congratulated all the winners even in my category, which was usually mystery.
I finally gave up though, and decided I’d always be a “bridesmaid” and never a “bride”, so I didn’t even bother entering a book for the last two years. What a surprise when I leaned my publisher entered my romance (with a touch of the supernatural) Lingering Spirit in the Spiritual/Metaphysical Romance Category. I told her I wouldn’t win.
I wrote the book quite awhile ago, but the publisher at Oak Tree Press published it as an e-book in the right time period to be entered in the contest. Despite my feelings, I went to the convention which was held this past weekend in San Antonio. I knew I’d have a great time, no matter what, because I have so many friends in Epic and my publisher was attending too.
And yes, I had a great time. I gave a workshop on blogging and blog tours, visited with everyone, went on the river cruise, ate some wonderful food, and told everyone I knew I wouldn’t win the Eppie.
The night of the banquet I sat with my publisher and other friends, including the president of Epic and the contest chairperson.
When my turn came, of course I hoped and even felt a bit nervous though in my heart I knew there was no chance. And when the presenter opened the envelope and read my name, I couldn’t believe it. I hollered, “Finally, I’m a bride!”
President of Epicon, Anne Manning, and me. The theme of the conference, Murder at the Menger | (hotel in San Antonio) |
Here’s a bit about Lingering Spirit:
Book blurb: After, Steve, her police officer husband is killed in the line of duty, Nicole Ainsworth struggles with the changes forced on her life. Her efforts to focus on her daughter an cope with her grief are kept off-balance by Steve’s ghostly visitations who seems to be trying to communicate with her. Eventually, Nicole finds that Steve isn’t the only one watching over her, and discovers a second chance for love.
Of course Lingering Spirit can be ordered in all the usual places–and is available on the Kindle and Nook.
Congrats Marilyn! So happy to hear this news. As Sally Field would say, "They like you, they really like you!"
And so do we.
aka The Southern Half of Evelyn David
Thanks, Rhonda!
Congratulations, well deserved.
Grandma, I am so proud of you. Congratulations on your win. I'm sure the other books were well written but what a wonderful story to have won it on. I love you!
Thanks, Lil, it sure made me happy.
And Genie, what a sweetie you are. You know all about what prompted Lingering Spirit. I love you too!
Marilyn, I just saw this! Congratulations! I hope you're still celebrating. 🙂
I just saw this, too! Congratulations, Marilyn! Maggiexo