The Writers Life…and Life

Last week was both full of what would go under the heading of the writers life–and plenty under the heading of just life.

Right off the bat I have to tell you that I never ever write in my pajamas. I shower and dress first thing every morning, I’m going to be prepared for whatever happens that I didn’t plan on. One big thing I’ve learned over the years is that the plan for the day often goes awry.

I spent the first couple of days getting ready for our trip to Las Vegas and the Public Safety Writers Association’s annual conference. I’m the program chair so there are a things I need to make sure I’ve packed–as well as the right clothes and other necessities.

My publisher sent me the galley proof for my next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, Raging Water. Of course I took the time to go over it carefully and found plenty to be corrected. (No doubt those dang gremlins will get in there and add some other stuff.)

My daughter was supposed to come over Monday a.m. to dye my hair–you didn’t really think I was a natural redhead did you? (I have several in my family, but I’m not one of them.) I am holding off telling you the biggest news that comes  under the heading of Life.

At 5:30 a.m. I received a call from one of my grand daughters to let me know that her sister, Merenda, had given birth to the baby boy we’d all been expecting. Granddaughter who called, her daughter and her mom and dad were all at the hospital in Modesto–3 hours away from where we all live.

A little while later another call from my daughter to tell me the new mom wasn’t doing well, the doctors were having a problem controlling her bleeding. Daughter asked for prayers. I do the church’s email prayer list and put out a call for prayers for Merenda. I also put it on Facebook asking all prayer warriors on there to also pray. By the time the day was over nearly 50 people had  prayed or promised to do so.

We soon had good news, praise God, the doctors had found the problem and taken care of it. Merenda, the new mom, is doing much better.

Now that I”ve told you about all this, I’ll share a photo.

Daddy, baby, and big sis.
It’ll be awhile before I get to see this one in person. And by the way, he’s my 12th great-grandchild.
On Wednesday, we headed by car to Las Vegas, first to visit my sis then on to the PSWA conference which lasted until Sunday afternoon. Back to my sis’s, then home again on Monday. (A mixture of writing life and regular life.)
Oh, you want to know if I ever got my hair dyed? Hubby volunteered. That’s a whole other story, but my hair is dyed and it looks all right.
Sometimes my writing life and regular life are such a mixed up jumble, I’m never quite sure which is which. I would say, hopefully all will get back to normal, but normal around here is always full of surprises.

6 replies
  1. Linda Rodriguez
    Linda Rodriguez says:

    Congrats on the new great-grandbaby, Marilyn! I'm so glad they were able to take care of the bleeding problem with your granddaughter. That had to be scary!

    One of my fellow members of Border Crimes, our local chapter of SinC, goes to the PWSA conference each year. It sounds absolutely fascinating. I guess you're one of the reasons why it's so great.

  2. Maureen Hayes
    Maureen Hayes says:

    Thank God mother and child are doing alright. Thank goodness for prayer warriors, where would we be without them? It certainly puts all the other things into perspective, doesn't it?

    Good luck with the cover on the new book, it looks good so far!

  3. Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith
    Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith says:

    Linda, thank you. Doing the program for PSWA is a challenge and rewarding when all goes well.

    Mom and baby are doing fine now. Yes, Maureen, prayer warriors make a big difference in my life.


  4. lil Gluckstern
    lil Gluckstern says:

    I'm so glad everything is well with your grandchild and baby. What a wonderful family you have, and how many natural redheads over 40 do you know? 🙂

  5. Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith
    Marilyn Meredith a.k.a. F. M. Meredith says:

    You're right, Lil. Even my daughter's strawberry blonde hair has faced and my grandson's once vibrant auburn is graying. When it comes to family, I am truly blessed. (It's hard keeping track of birthdays though.)

  6. Romance, She Wrote
    Romance, She Wrote says:

    Congratulations on the great-grandbaby. It seems you have a full life aside from your writing…lol.

    Thank you for sharing your eventful week, puts mine in perspective 🙂

    Take care!

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