Getting the Hang of Me-Time…Slowly

By Laura Bradford

A few months ago, my husband purchased one of those Amazon specials that forced me to take the yoga class I’ve been contemplating for well over a year.

So, finally, I went, despite having no idea what Yoga was really like (I’d simply heard it was good for balance and balance–thanks to my MS–isn’t one of my strong suits these days).

It didn’t take long to realize it’s also about quieting your mind, which, if you know me, is almost comical. I’m always thinking.

Week one, it was more about looking around, trying to figure out what the heck I was doing. During the quiet time at the end (can’t remember the actual Yoga term for that part of the class), instead of clearing my head, I was thinking about the manuscript I’d turned in before I left the house and the fact I needed to tie up one little part.

Week two, I was a wee bit late thanks to what was supposed to be a routine mammo (but wasn’t). I don’t think I got the full effect of that class, either.

Week three, I did a little better. Almost fell asleep during the quiet time at the end (progress, I think).

Week four, I missed on account of a biopsy related to week two (all came back fine–yay!).

Weeks five-ten, I began to get the hang of the mind-clearing thing and shed any and all guilt I was feeling over taking an hour away from my writing. And, believe it or not, I found myself looking forward to 12:30 on Friday afternoon for the peace and calm that hour-long class brought me. In fact, I enjoyed it so much, I bought a 10-week class pass when my special deal ran out.

Of course, silly me, added a Pilates class to it last week that kicked my backside! I didn’t think it did anything for me on account of the fact I couldn’t do half the exercises, but my abs hurt for six days afterward so it must have done something.

And today? I’m going back. For the Pilates and the Yoga.

Crazy? Maybe. But I’m realizing I need this time for me. Time to work out and time to quiet my thoughts.

How about you? What’s something you do for yourself?

2 replies
  1. Linda Rodriguez
    Linda Rodriguez says:

    You inspire me, Laura. I used to take a yoga class designed for people with (varying) disabilities. It was wonderful and I began to regain some range of motion that even physical therapy hadn't worked for. Then I had to spend a lot of time traveling, and the class went by the boards. I need to restart it again–after my book tour which is coming up in early May with the launch of EVERY BROKEN TRUST.

  2. Laura Bradford
    Laura Bradford says:

    Linda, I hadn't realized just how much motion/balance the MS has robbed me of until I started this class. But after 11 weeks now, I'm improving steadily thanks to this teacher.
    Get back in, it's relaxing if nothing else.

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