Fun at Killer Nashville by Debra H. Goldstein

Killer Nashville.  What a great phrase.  It can be interpreted from being a killer conference to being a description of the town.  As you read this, I am at Killer Nashville. listening to lectures, drooling and tripping over my own two feet in front of authors I’ve admired from afar, hearing critiques from editors and agents, being a panelist and participating in every way that I can.

Yesterday, I attended Doing Time with Sisters in Crime – Great Beginnings and a Mystery Themed Event.  The Sisters in Crime workshop was informative and spirited while the Mysteries & More Bookstore sponsored Mystery Themed Event was pure fun.  Both gave me an opportunity to interact with other authors and fans.  Today, the Killer Nashville workshops/panels begin in earnest.  I am on the Short Story panel. With six short pieces being accepted/published in the past seven months, including the recently announced placement of Thanksgiving in Moderation in The Killer Wore Cranberry: A Fourth Meal of Mayhem, it is the perfect panel for me this year.  More importantly, I’m in awe of the other panelists:  Kaye George, Paula Benson, Warren Bull, and moderator, Rob Mangeot.  Being on the panel would be enough, but there also will be time for banquets, round tables, a get-together with a group of SinC Guppies, meeting Stiletto Gang members Kay Kendall and Marjorie Brody, and, of course, the Killer crime scene.

I’m planning on having a Killer time at Killer Nashville.  Maybe, I’ll be able to share it with you in the future or maybe, it will be one of those “what happens at Killer Nashville, stays in Killer Nashville” weekends.

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