Short post
This week is an exciting week for me as I will be awarded the MWA Raven Award on Thursday. I have to give a speech. Too frightening for me, but I’m going to do it. I wrote it. I read it out loud. Made changes and I hope I don’t ramble when I get up to the podium. All my life, I shied away from public speaking. This will definitely be a stepping out of my comfort zone moment.
So, tell me, how do you cope with stepping out of your comfort zone?
Just take a deep breath first and remember it will all be over very quickly. (I tell myself this each day as I get ready for class….)
Seriously: Congratulations again on the award! You'll do great. Just wish I was going to be there to see you–but look forward to congratulating you in person at Malice. 🙂
HA! You've met me, right? I handle being outside my comfort zone exactly the way most people handle being caught between a knife-wielding clown and a tank full of piranha. With much frantic calculating to realize there's no escape and even more screaming. At least the screaming is internal like the calculating.
Just think of all the people wishing you well. And a nice deep breath (pushing out your belly button). Looking forward to congratulating you at Malice!
First, congratulations. Second, read the speech aloud in practice enough times that it is like saying "hello," so you can enjoy the emotion of the moment without worrying about the words. And remember, the audience loves you and is with you – wishing you congratulations and only good thoughts.
Everyone has given you most of the good advice I would have, Dru. So mine will be keep it short. Read it as Debra suggests and time it. It's much better to leave folks wanting more than to go on too long. You will do a fabulous job. And remember we're all rooting for you.
Check for people carrying rotten fruit. If you don't see any, you're good to go.