The Times They Are A’Changin’ for The Stiletto Gang

The Times They Are A’Changin’
for The Stiletto Gang

by Debra H. Goldstein

The times they are a’changin’
is both a song refrain and an accurate description of The Stiletto Gang. Happily,
all the changes are for the good.

Today is both a beginning
and an end for me and the Gang in that instead of personally posting twice a
month and being responsible for Clicking Our Heels, I will only be handling
Clicking Our Heels and the second Friday of the month post. Not a big change
for me or for Linda Rodriguez, who now will only post on the first Friday of
the month, but a positive change for you in that you’ll have the opportunity of
getting to know Shari Randall and Teresa Thorne on the third and fourth Fridays
of each month.  (don’t forget our other
newbies, Judy Penz Sheluk and Diane Staresinic-Deane). In fact, mark your calendars for this enhanced line-up:

Penz Sheluk- 1st Monday
Julie Mulhern – 2nd Monday

Paula Gail Benson – 3rd Monday
Dru Ann Love – Every other 4th Monday
Short story writers – Every other 4th Monday
J.M. Phillippe – 1st & 3rd Tuesdays
AB Plum – 2nd Tuesday
Diana Staresinic-Deane – 4th Tuesday
Clicking Our Heels (group post) – 1st Wednesday                           

Bethany Maines – 2nd & 4th Wednesdays

Kay Kendall – 3rd Wednesday
Sparkle Abbey – 1st Thursday
Juliana Aragon Fatula – 2nd & 4th Thursdays
Cathy Perkins – 3rd Thursday
Linda Rodriguez – 1st Friday
Debra H. Goldstein – 2nd Friday
Shari Randall -3rd Friday
T.K. Thorne – 4th Friday

I’m proud we’re such a diverse gang. For me, the
members of this blog are so impressive

that I am constantly challenged to write
at the highest level possible because they all do. For you, it means exposure
to different thoughts, cultures, genres and writers you might not readily come
across. I hope you enjoy this mix of writers as much as I do.     Debra

6 replies
  1. ML
    ML says:

    So glad to be a part of this wonderfully diverse and supportive group! And a BIG thank-you, Debra, for all you do.

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