Three Things: With Debra H. Goldstein

 by Shari Randall

If you’re a reader of the blog, you’ve made the acquaintance of the multi-faceted Debra H. Goldstein. Judge, litigator, author are just a few of the words that describe her. 

I thought it would be fun to play a game to learn a bit more about Debra, things you might not know. I stumbled upon a Facebook game called Three Things that was a lot of fun, so here’s “Three Things With Debra!” I loved learning more about her, especially our shared love of pizza and dark chocolate.

Three Things You Might Not Know About Debra H. Goldstein

Three favorite foods:  Pizza, ice cream, dark chocolate
Three places I’ve lived: New Jersey, Michigan, Alabama
Three jobs I’ve had: Salesperson, litigator, judge
Three things I can’t do without: Family, books, and it is a toss-up between pizza and dark chocolate
Three favorite places: Beach (any place with water), New York City (Broadway), almost anywhere in Europe (I love exploring)
Three favorite hobbies: Reading, Writing, Piano
Three things I’m looking forward to: my son’s wedding; more grandchildren (this may take awhile to achieve); Four Cuts Too Many (Sarah Blair Mystery) was released on May 25, 2021, but I can’t wait for Five Belles Too Many to come out in June 2022.

How about you, readers? What are three things about you that you’d like to share?

Shari Randall is the author of the Lobster Shack Mystery series. Yes, she plays too many games on Facebook. Three things about her? She loves to dance, can’t do without cardigan sweaters, and writes the new Ice Cream Shop Mystery series as Meri Allen.

5 replies
  1. Saralyn
    Saralyn says:

    I'm with Debra on almost all of her choices, especially the three favorite places. And, Shari, I love to dance, too!

  2. Gay Yellen
    Gay Yellen says:

    Pizza, ice cream, and dark chocolate. Debra just described a well-balanced meal. With doughnuts for dessert. Fun one, Shari.

  3. Donnell Ann Bell
    Donnell Ann Bell says:

    Fascinating! What types of music composition to you play, Debra? I can't post a picture of what I bought at the store this morning–but they're Blue Diamond Oven Roasted Dark Chocolate Almonds. I'm trying to forget they're in my pantry 🙂

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