Don’t Harsh (Review) my High (Rating), Man
One month has elapsed since Hudson was released and today Killian, Book 2 of the Rejects Pack, joins him in the wild. The series has been getting some good reviews and of course, I’m very excited about every new release but today I find my happy a little bit harshed.

See? Other people like me.
The Advanced Reader Review
Part of book marketing is to set up a new book with readers who will leave an early review. It’s sometimes difficult to find readers and so I will occasionally use a reader sourcing company. This ensures an honest review, since I don’t know the reviewers and readers get a free book. Unfortunately, this does sometimes leads to a situation like one I just experienced with Killian. A reader experienced a technical glitch that rendered the book unreadable and instead of complaining to the service that provided it, chose to leave me a one star review on Amazon.
Opinions Vary
I cannot express how disappointing it is to be rated a one star for something that is so wildly outside of my control. I grumble about low ratings from people who dislike my books, but… Meh. That’s writing. Not every book is meant for everyone. At least it’s fair when someone complains that they didn’t like my ending, my chapter titles (yes, really), or the sex scenes (They’re too graphic! They’re lacking in steam! <-same book.). A reader is welcome to dislike any and all parts of the book! They are the reader - it's quite literally their joy and job to read and have an opinion. My ego may not like it, but that is what I signed up for when I put a book into the world. But when I can't even contact someone (Amazon understandably forbids it) to offer the reader a fresh copy or some sort of help then it just leaves me with nothing but a tanked book rating and a strong desire to start my journey as an alcoholic.
Remedies (Other than Booze)
I’ve reached out to the company in the hopes that they can track down the reviewer and perhaps offer a replacement file. The reviewer did offer to change their review if it got fixed, so there’s a slim chance that it might happen, but I won’t be holding my breath. In the meantime, of anyone who reads Killian would be so kind as to leave a higher than one star review to help bring my rating back up, that would be much appreciated.
Killian is Out and I’m Happy!
Do forgive my complaining. Today is a happy day. Who doesn’t love new book day? So if you’re at all interested in two amnesiac werewolves who meet in the long lost Library of Alexandria and have to save the library world from warlocks then go check out Killian today!
Go Get Killian!
Killian Goodreads Giveaway:
Killian Goodreads Giveaway:
Bethany Maines is the award-winning indie and traditionally published author of romantic action-adventure and fantasy novels that focus on women who know when to apply lipstick and when to apply a foot to someone’s hind-end. She can usually found chasing after her daughter or glued to the computer working on her next novel or screenplay.