Looking Back and Peering Forward

by Paula Gail Benson

As I reach the end of this year, I take stock of the many changes that have taken place in my life. I’ve mourned the loss of family and friends. I thanked our Pastor for including an extra candle at our All Saints’ Day commemoration to recognize those who were not members of our congregation but who were remembered in our hearts.

I’ve experienced change in my work, in the lives of my family and friends, and in the organizations to which I belong. As things develop, they bring challenges. Just as we figure out how to cope, we often see the circle coming around so that something from the past returns to sustain us.

For me, that happened this year when I reconnected with former classmates at a high school reunion. A few of us stayed late and gathered on a porch away from the music and crowd, so we could spend time talking and catch up with each other. We found we were still the people we remembered ourselves to be, and that was very comforting.

I remain grateful, when confronted with future uncertainty, that I can still rely on the past to give me hope. I am grateful that even with losses, I can celebrate discoveries.

My high school friends and I have been able to get together since our reunion. We plan to continue to do so. I look forward to our remaining close and having many new adventures.

At this time for reflection, I hope your moments of rejoicing may outweigh those of sadness and regret. May you find yourself looking forward to happiness.

Wishing you all the best of holiday seasons.

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