Has Spring Sprung for You?

Exactly when is Spring supposed to begin? I looked it up, and here’s what I found:

The vernal equinox in 2024 arrived on March 19, but that date varies year to year. It hovers somewhere between the 19th and 21st of the month, and is marked at the moment the sun is directly facing Earth’s equator. This is also known as Astronomical Spring.

But, because science allows the date to vary, I’m thinking it’s okay if Spring starts for people like you and me whenever we are able to feel it.

We’ve enjoyed the new season around our home for a few weeks now. Gardens are in full bloom. A multitude of songbirds greet us with their cheery melodies every morning, just like the ones Samantha Newman hears when she visits Serenity Ranch.

Spring is also when our cherished bluebonnets and other dazzling wildflowers begin to blanket our empty fields and rolling hills.

This past weekend made Spring feel official for me, with opening of the annual Kite Festival that takes place in our favorite public park. There’s something wonderful about a day when people of all ages gather on vast green spaces to share a picnic and fly kites.

A live band played upbeat music while children ran around, testing how far they could roam free. They squealed with delight. You couldn’t help but smile at the joy of it.

Those icy winds are gone. Gentle breezes flow. We’re unencumbered by winter coats and jackets, scarves and gloves. The world is refreshed.


What is the first sign of Spring where you liveAnd, when was the last time you flew a kite?

Here’s wishing you a very HAPPY SPRING, full of sunshine, flowers, celebrations, and laughter!


Gay Yellen is the author of the award-winning Samantha Newman Mystery Series including: The Body BusinessThe Body Next Door, and The Body in the News!

Find her on Amazon, BookBub, Facebook, or contact her at GayYellen.com






8 replies
  1. Donnell Ann Bell
    Donnell Ann Bell says:

    Gay, what a beautiful post. As we’re passing through Texas, I’ve seen the blue bonnets and sprays of Oran’s and pink flowers too. March and April in Las Cruces bring with it wind. So although spring has arrived, I await the calm to truly enjoy Spring!

  2. Debra H. Goldstein
    Debra H. Goldstein says:

    For me. It is when the daffodils poke their heads through the ground. Haven’t flown a kite in several years, but am sure with a number of grands under age five, the kites and beach will happen again.

    • Gay Yellen
      Gay Yellen says:

      Daffodils definitely say Spring, Debra. As for kites, I so wanted to join in and fly one at the festival. I hope you get to share the thrill with the grandkids.

  3. Saralyn
    Saralyn says:

    Having lived in two distinct climates during my adult life, I think spring is a state of mind. Whenever I feel the urge to plant flowers and vegetables and herbs, to take long walks, and even to fly a kite–that’s spring! Thanks for a fun post!

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