Oh Where, Oh Where has my launch gone? by Debra H. Goldstein
Oh Where, Oh Where has my
launch gone? by Debra H. Goldstein
June 28 is the release date from Kensington of my fifth
Sarah Blair novel, Five Belles Too Many. As I write this blog, three days
before it will appear on the Stiletto Gang blog, I have yet to confirm a physical
launch location (which would be in mid-July). That’s unusual for me.
When One Taste Too Many, the first book in the series, was
published, there was a table at Barnes & Noble at the Summit in Birmingham
and not only did I have the initial signing there, but two nights later, I had
an indie signing at Little Professor. Both were successes and the events were repeated
when Two Bites Too Many was released. And then, a few weeks later, after I had additional
live signings in Alabama, as well as in California, Arizona, Georgia, Tennessee,
Texas, and Colorado, the world shut down because of Covid.
We weren’t sophisticated with virtual panels and signings
during the height of Two Bites Too Many’s
release, but we definitely were by
the time Three Treats Too Many and Four Cuts Too Many were published. I crisscrossed
the country doing zoom presentations. It wasn’t the same as being able to sign
books live for readers, but it did give me an opportunity to partner with
writers I adore from other parts of the country for the same presentation. I
was sure by the time, Five Belles was published, I’d be able to have a launch
similar to my first ones, but that isn’t the case.
B&N in my area of the world has not returned to live signings.
Our indies are beginning to do events, but with certain health protocols still
being followed. I am in limbo. I’m ready to meet fans in person again, but I’m
not jumping through hoops to make the live signing happen. Instead, I’m taking
a step back and watching and waiting, figuring the official live launch may be
replaced by smaller bookstore gatherings in July and August.
In one way, it is a shame. Five Belles Too Many is my
second favorite book in the series. In it, Sarah is forced to chaperone her
mother when Maybelle is a finalist to win the perfect Southern wedding. When
the reality TV show’s producer is found dead with Sarah’s greatest nemesis
kneeling by the body, Sarah must find the true killer before any more of the
contestants or crew are permanently eliminated.
Because of the humor and nature
of the book it would be fun to interact with a live audience, but that’s not to
be. In the meantime, I’m
going ahead with virtual plans, including a takeover of Joanna Slan’s Readers
on June 20 and an incredibly special Summer Blast/New Release Party with three
other cozy authors, Terry Ambrose, Maggie Toussaint/Volana Jones, and Nancy J.
Cohen, on June 28 from 7-8 EST. I’ll also be participating in a Great Escapes
Tour (June 17-30) and visiting other blogs including The Wickeds, Jungle Red
Writers, Chicks on the Case, Dru’s Book Musings, and Mystery Lovers Kitchen. The
fun part of the parties and blogs for readers is that there will be plenty of
prizes to be won. I’ll also be offering additional prizes if you are a newsletter
subscriber (you can sign up on my website – https://www.DebraHGoldstein.com ).
For more chances to read reviews, win prizes, and find out
how Five Belles is taking off, don’t forget to visit me on:
Twitter: @DebraHGoldstein,
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/debrahgoldstein/
, or
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/debra-h-goldstein
Or, make my day by pre-ordering a copy of Five Belles Too
Many from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or your favorite indie bookstore. We’ll
call it being part of the silent launch.
How do you feel about not having as many live signings?
Such interesting times we live in, Debra. I remember attending one of those zoom session with Rocky Mountain Mystery Writers of America. We may never have met in person, but thanks to Zoom we have met on line. Wishing you a fantastic release on Five Belles Too Many.
Things have changed, for sure, and the publishing industry has been deeply affected. Your virtual book launch plans sound wonderful, and I'll bet your fans will love visiting with you and hearing about your book just as much, if not more, than if they were there in person. Best of luck for a phenomenal book release!
Debra, I've had six live signings this year for 'Missing in Miami' (published in February) and five were very successful. The one at my favorite bookstore went well but only twelve or thirteen people attended. The bookstore owner told me book enthusiasts were not yet anxious to attend in person. He also said most authors now prefer to do Zoom presentations. Like you, Debra, I like the interaction with people at live signings!
Looks like you're pivoting quite well, Debra. Best of luck on the launch of another winner!