What I’ve Been Up to Lately by Marilyn aka F. M. Meredith

The photo is of the last event I participated in–The Jackass Mail Run. Since it’s in the little town where I live, I decided to participate again. This is a wild day, beginning at noon when we set up, with the help of our son, and lasting unitl 6 p.m.

Riders on horses and a wagon with mail and a load of people start in the morning from Porterville (17 miles away) and trek up the highway toward Springville. They make a stop at noon at a local watering hole for lunch and beverages and then continue the ride. Many of the horses end the trek at the rodeo grounds, but othere who are protecting the mail wagon ride into twon around 4. Bad guys with guns are waiing, and the gunfire explodes. Very loud and the kids love it. The mail always get through to the post office.

At 2, when the event begins in town, craft and food booths are set up in the park and across the street (where I was). Bands and singers performed in the park, raffle prizes given out, and the Jackass Mail Queen crowned. People did wander across the street to check out the booths and some bought my books, many took my cards, and a lot of folks talked to me and my husband.

I’ve also given a presentation at the Porterville Library as part of Library week. I talked about my Rocky Bluff P.D. series, how it began, and what inspired me to write each subsequent book. It was part of my promotion gof the latest in the series: Violent Departures.

I’ve also been busy with my blog tour which ends today with two posts.

A final interview here: http://blog.jamesmjackson.com
and http://kathleenkaskawrites.blogspot.com/  where I answered the question who influenced me the most.

People always want to know if I think blog tours help– I know they do, I can see by the uptick in sales–not huge, but enough to know people are trying my book.

In May,

The biggest thing I’ve got going is starting May 1, the first book in the Rocky Bluff P.D. series, Final Respects, will be free on Kindle. Of course I’m hoping that will tempt some folks to try out the series.

So far, the only other plans for May as far as book promotion is a neighborhood bookstore–something several of us did in the fall and worked out quite well. Because I’m a real person, my calendar has many other things that I have to do just like everyone else.

Marilyn aka F. M. Meredith