Getting through the first draft

by Maria Geraci

You know how I know I’m excited about starting a new book? I begin writing at all sorts of strange hours. And by strange hours, I mean 2 a.m or 4 a.m or maybe even in the middle of cooking dinner which can create all sorts of problems if one wants their dinner to not be burned to a crackly crunch (as Mike Geraci and I generally prefer ours not to be).

I’ll be honest, this sort of shake up to my routine is not only expected, it’s highly desired. Nothing is worse to me as a writer than to sit at my computer forcing myself to come up with something to put on the page. I have plenty of stuff I could be doing instead.

Multi-pubbed and ultra-famous author Nora Roberts is generally credited with the quote “…just get the story down.” And that’s exactly what I do.I get that first draft done in snippets, sometimes writing for as little as five minutes because inspiration can come at the oddest moments (in the shower, while driving a car, standing in the grocery line) which means I have to be creative about the way I write.

The other day while I was waiting at the deli to order lunch meat, a brilliant (yes, brilliant!) line of dialogue came to me and I had no paper or pen. So I whipped out my iPhone and began typing dialogue in my Notes app. I was so engrossed that I completely missed hearing my number called. I mumbled a quick apology and the clerk took my order, but I have to wonder what she would have thought if I’d said, “Sorry, I was writing my novel!”  I’m sure that would have garnered me some strange looks but I wouldn’t have cared. Writing the first draft is like inching your way on your belly through the trenches. You get to the finish line any way you can.

2 replies
  1. Linda Rodriguez
    Linda Rodriguez says:

    Oh, Maria, this post rings so true to my own experience! And when I finally get the first draft really humming along, I get so engrossed that it's hard to shut it off at night to sleep. I've often spent restless nights in bed, tossing and turning while I write more of the book in my head. I suspect that's why many writers have turned to alcohol and other substances–to shut off the book in their heads at night. I just get up and start putting it down on paper like you do.

    I think people who aren't writers or have never lived with writers (and I probably should specify novelists) must think we're insane.

    Good luck with the book!

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