Happy New Year
The time between Rosh Hashonah and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is called the Days of Awe. They are a period for reflection, an opportunity to atone for sins in the past, make amends with those we’ve harmed, and decide to do better in the future. I know that this type of inner soul-searching should be an ongoing process, not something limited to the 10 days between the two High Holidays. So one of my resolutions for this new year is to take more time for spiritual inventory and spend less time on book inventory. I think both the professional and personal side of me will benefit.
So as we enter the Jewish year 5769, may I take this opportunity to wish each of you, a healthy, happy New Year.
Shana Tova Umetukah (Hebrew for “A Good and Sweet Year.”)
Evelyn David
Happy holidays, Marian.
Your menu always sounds delicious.
I hope you have a sweet year.
I also wish you a sweet and blessed year.