Entries by The Stiletto Gang

And Off We Went

A very good friend of mine who now lives in Arizona (and is 80 plus) planned her next book tour for California. She had it all worked out, mainly hitting all the California Writers Clubs in the middle of the state beginning with Ridgewriters who are located in the high desert town of Ridgecrest. Inyokern […]

How to Succeed in Business

The truth is he can’t sing particularly well; he’s a so-so dancer; his comic timing is off; and as an aside, I had no idea he was that short. So why did I leap to my feet at the end of the show to give Daniel Radcliffe and the cast of How to Succeed in […]

News of the Weird

by Susan McBride I remember when weird news was often tacked onto the end of a nightly broadcast, usually in the vein of “stupid criminals” clips where a bank robber wrote his stick-up note on the back of his own deposit slip or an “aw, shucks” tale with an orangutan adopting a baby tiger at […]

The Power of Positive Thinking

There is new research out that suggests that a) positive thinking really does have an effect on your life in general and b) being nicer to yourself—showing “self-compassion”—is really integral to a happy life. Great. Something else to feel bad/guilty/unworthy about. I found out about the New York Times article on self-compassion from the northern […]

And Then She was Married

It’s been one month since granddaughter Jessica married Jerry. They are having a great time being Mr. and Mrs. I’ve been fortunate because for right now they are staying in her old room with her folks next door as they save for their next home. Of course the first photo is her proud dad (and […]

Happy Birthday

I love birthdays. I may not want to tell you how many candles are on my cake, but I love the concept of celebrating another year of living. Comes from my childhood when my Mom, the original Evelyn, would let me invite every kid in my class for my party, with little paper cups filled […]

Oscars 2011

by Maria Geraci This Sunday night is the 83rd annual Academy Awards which means I’ll be sitting in front of my television with a bag of popcorn in one hand and a diet coke in another. Or maybe instead of the diet coke it’ll be a glass of red wine. I’m not sure yet. It’ll […]

When a Sandwich Board is All You Have Left

I read a story in the paper this morning about a mother in Florida who, fed up with her 15-year-old son’s disinterest in school, took a drastic measure to get his attention. She placed the kid on a busy street corner with a sandwich board over his head that said: “I have a 1.22 GPA…honk […]

A Different Time

When I read my fellow Stiletto gang’s posts I am often reminded of the big generational gap between us. The majority are near the age of my children and at least one is closer to the age of my grandchildren. I grew up in a different time period. Though I didn’t grow up in a […]

When All the World is Protesting….

Is it just me or is everything in the world spinning and changing so fast it’s almost impossible to keep up? I’m exhausted. Dictatorships are falling in large part to their citizens’ use of Facebook and Twitter to organize protests. Egyptians have toppled their government. The world is holding its collective breath as we wait […]