Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Modern Romance

by Susan McBrideAh, February, the month of love! And not only because the 14th is Valentine’s Day–on which I’ll be talking about romantic reads on “Great Day St. Louis”–but Ed’s and my third anniversary is February 24. Seems like yesterday that we met though it was nearly six years ago. Funny how it happened, too. […]

The Worst Parent in the World

The Stiletto Gang is thrilled to welcome friend Joelle Charbonneau today! Are you the perfect parent? Not me! I am the worst parent in the world. Okay, maybe that’s overstating. I mean, I’ve only been parenting for a mere three years. There are lots of folks out there who have been doing this for a […]

Our New Baby

We are proud to announce the newest member of our family: Diego. Diego is a twenty-five pound Maine Coon cat who is six years old and needed a new home due to his former owners and their children developing serious allergies and asthma symptoms (not all related to Diego). Through the magic of Facebook, I […]

February Already, Goodness!

Who besides me is having trouble with how fast time flies? Seems like it was just the beginning of January and everyone was talking about their New Year’s Resolutions–now it’s time to gear up for income taxes. Eeeek! The older I get, the faster the days go by. I’m an early riser, so I do […]

Your Favorite Valentine

by Evelyn David The first valentine I ever received was from Charlie Riggins in first grade. It read, and I can still quote it in its entirety. “Roses are red, Violets are blue, I don’t smell, but you sure do.– Brianna Sullivan in Undying Love in Lottawatah Do you remember your first Valentine’s Day card […]

Rachel Brady, Master Trickster

I’ve been reflecting on what motivates various people. This started about a week ago when I read a fitness-related article. Its premise was that some people are externally motivated to improve their health—lose weight for a wedding or reunion, win an office bet, etc.—while others are internally motivated. This second group simply likes healthy food […]

“I’ll be back”

Ever have one of those days that just get away from you? How ’bout a week like that? Or a month. This has been a week that has flown by, and at times I feel I’m hardly keeping my head above water. While I don’t think I’m a complainer, I do occasionally find myself slipping […]

On Social Networking

Social networking comes under fire a lot in the media and is responsible for the downfall of Western civilization, from what I can gather. I’m going to take another tack here and make a confession: I love Facebook. Now granted, I don’t love it so much that I’ve allowed my 11-year-old to create his own […]

New Photo and New Book

by Marilyn Meredithhttp://fictionforyou.com/ This photo was taken at my grandaughter’s wedding. We all had such a great time. And she having so much fun writing on Facebook that she’s going here and there with her husband. Now it’s time for me to buckle down to work. I’ll soon have a new Rocky Bluff P.D. crime […]

Saying Goodbye Gracefully

by Evelyn David I’ve always been intrigued by the paranormal (see our Brianna Sullivan series), so when Medium, a television series about a psychic who assists the Phoenix, Arizona police department debuted in 2005, I was quickly hooked. I followed the series from NBC, who cancelled it after five years, to CBS, who cancelled it […]