Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Just Put the Word “Club” at the End

by Maria Geraci First off, I’d like to thank Susan and the rest of the Stiletto gang for hosting me on their blog today. The minute I heard the name of the blog it brought a smile to my face, and I immediately knew the theme of my post. I’m here to talk about gangs […]

Sleazy Protagonists

L.J. Sellers is an award-winning journalist and the author of the Detective Jackson mystery/suspense series. The Sex Club, Secrets to Die For, and Thrilled to Death have been highly praised by Mystery Scene and Spinetingler magazines. Her fourth Jackson story, Passions of the Dead, has just been released. All four novels are on Amazon Kindle’s […]

The Time Is Now

Last week, I received a lovely note in the mail from the Assistant Principal at my former high school, asking me to be the commencement speaker for the 2011 graduation. I was beyond thrilled. My four years at this all-girls, Catholic high school were some of the best of my life; I just didn’t know […]

What Do You Do When You Have a New Book Out?

My latest book in the Deputy Tempe Crabtree series came out a bit later than expected due to something wrong with the way the bar code was printed on the back of the cover. It made things a bit crazy for awhile. My book launch had to be put off and because I had a […]

Buried But Not Dead in Lottawatah

To celebrate our new e-book series we’ve providing an excerpt from one of the two stories in the first volume of our Brianna Sullivan Mysteries e-book series. The following is from I Try Not to Drive Past Cemeteries – the second story, Buried But Not Dead in Lottawatah Chapter 1If you’ve ever wondered why souls […]

Feast or Famine

by Susan McBride I’ve been wishing for calm and peace around here lately, particularly after finishing up a really tough deadline for LITTLE BLACK DRESS (which you all heard about in my last post!). It’s been a crazy few months what with putting on the “Wine, Wit & Lit” fundraiser for Casting for Recovery back […]

Go to the Grocery Store

About eight months ago Ricky, the general manager of the store where the Nehrings buy groceries, asked me if I’d like to do a book signing in his store. (The store is part of an independent chain in my area–around 60 stores.) An author friend of mine, Gayle Wigglesworth, once talked about doing grocery store […]

The Deadline Approaches

Seventy-thousand words and no plot. That’s where I found myself right before Thanksgiving. I fretted and moaned; I knew there had to be a plot in there somewhere but I just couldn’t figure out where it was. But I knew that I had two trusted friends—both amazing writers and as it turns out, editors—who would […]

Festival of Lights

“Never underestimate the power of a few committed people to change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead might well have been talking about the Maccabees, the Jewish insurgents who led a revolt against King of Syria Antiochus IV, in the second century BC. It is this triumph of […]