Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Babies in Cages by Juliana Aragon Fatula

river of love pre-release Dear Reader,  This photo was taken at Dillon Beach, California on a summer day with my comadre, Aimee Medina Carr, the author of the novel, River of Love. Homebound Publications releases this coming of age novel on Sept. 24th, 2019. I am celebrating along with the author because this was my […]

Favorite Places to Write

By Lynn McPherson The other day I was struck by the fact that the desk I bought two years ago has never been used for writing—its intended purpose. Although handy for keeping my writing tools organized—pens, notebooks, and post-it notes, I’ve yet to sit at it and write a word. Instead, most mornings I’ve chosen […]

Summer Reading

by Sparkle Abbey Though we know it’s not quite summer, here in the midwest it’s been feeling a lot like summer lately. And after a particularly cold and awful winter, we are more than ready to break out the lawn chairs, lemonade, and, sandals. As the longer days of summer approach, we’ve also been looking […]

Thrillerfest, Here I Come!

By Lynn McPherson –> I am absolutely thrilled to let you all know that I am going to Thrillerfest XIV in New York City this July. Now, I am a cozy mystery author so some readers may be wondering why I have chosen this particular conference to attend. There are so many reasons that I […]

Speechless by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Dear Reader, I’m at a loss for words. A poet without words. Let me try to explain why I am speechless. Roe vs. Wade Roe vs. Wade history Today I struggle to understand why men make laws that hurt women. Why they take away our human rights to control our own bodies. If my rant […]

Five Things I Learned at Citizens Police Academy

by Shari Randall For the past three months, I’ve been taking a Citizens Police Academy course in a neighboring town. Once a week for ten weeks, officers have met with our class to explain a different aspect of their work. It’s been a fascinating peek behind the badge. Of course, as a writer, I wanted […]

For the Love of Librarians…

By Lynn McPherson –> I was lucky enough to participate at a library panel in Toronto last week. The panel was made up of five authors including me. We were invited to come in and talk about crime fiction and writing. The sub-genres ranged from thriller to cozy, and between us, there was a lot […]