Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Greater than the Sum of the Parts

by Rachel Brady Disclaimer 1: The following opinions are entirely mine and do not necessarily represent those of NASA or its employees. I work for a NASA life sciences contractor. This week, my company had an All-Hands meeting. Usually at these things, they entice attendance by offering us snacks and interesting guest speakers. At Johnson […]

Twisted Sisterhood or Small Acts of Kindness, by Misa

Recently, I was on my way to Dallas to attend a Texas Beef Council special event hosted by a fellow blogger (shout out to June Cleaver Nirvana Holly Homer!!). My daughter had been having a horrible time adjusting to 5th grade. She wasn’t sleeping, was angst-ridden over EVERYTHING, was so unhappy with her body (she’s […]

Do I Really Write Cozies?

When I was first invited to be on this list, I think it was because it was assumed I was writing cozies. Every time I read the definition of a cozy, I don’t think my books quite fit that category. In my Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery series, of course Tempe is a resident deputy sheriff. […]

A Note from an Old Neighbor

I loved the old house the moment I saw it. There was an elegance to it. It had, as the realtor reminded me, “good bones,” despite the old-fashioned kitchen and bathrooms that we had no money to update. But it had seven bedrooms, a Palladium window on the landing of a staircase that would have […]

Top Ten List of Why Amateur Sleuths…

Thanks to the Stiletto Gang for inviting me here today. Since my new release, Swift Justice (St. Martin’s Minotaur, 12 Oct 2010) is a humorous, soft-boiled private eye novel, some readers who know my amateur sleuth books (I write the Southern Beauty Shop series as Lila Dare) have asked why I’ve made the switch from […]

10 Things I learned This Week, by Misa

I had an array of experiences this this week, had a slew of emotions to go with them, and learned quite a bit. Here are ten things I learned this week: Having a deadline is pressure Missing a deadline is even more pressure Especially when you can’t quite figure out how to wrap up a […]

My Bouchercon Report

I took this photo while on a cable car tour of San Francisco, showing one of many steep, steep streets in this most beautiful city and the setting for this year’s Bouchercon. Bouchercon is the largest mystery con there is and I’ve been to several in various cities: my first was in Monterey, CA, and […]

Grandma at Four Months

By Evelyn David She’s rolling over now. She burst into tears the first time – shocked at the turn of events that had her on her back reaching for a stuffed animal, and all of a sudden, she was on her belly facing the wrong way and no stuffie in sight. Plus, how to get […]

Another Year Older

by Susan McBride Tomorrow’s my birthday (na-na-na na-na-na!), and I’m gonna have a good time! Well, at the very least, Ed and I will go to dinner and a movie after dropping by Antony John’s get-together of local authors, which will be fun in itself. I’m okay with turning a year older. I don’t cry […]

Can You “Make” A Bestseller?

by Catherine McKenzie I read recently that book sales are generated by 7% of books and that most books released every year sell less than a thousand copies. I can’t vouch for the validity of these statistics, but if they’re even partly true that’s a pretty scary prospect for most of us writers who are […]