Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Kids Rock

I announced this on The Naked Hero last week, but must give props again (’cause when props are due, they’re due). My kids ROCK. Here’s one reason why. One of my sons has celiac disease and is sick and tired of the food he eats (rice, beans, tofu, and myriad combinations). My daughter loves to […]

How Much Of You is In Your Books?

I’ve been asked over the years if Deputy Tempe Crabtree is me–and I always wonder why people ask. After all, Tempe is an American Indian, in her late thirties and is a deputy sheriff. Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I’m not an Indian of any kind, much, much older and have never […]

Meet Rachel Brenner

Thanks to Evelyn David, for not only letting me guest blog today, but for creating me in the first place. My name is Rachel Brenner. I do hair, makeup, and a few more substantial restorations for the clients of O’Herlihy Funeral Home. I believe it’s never too late to look your best. I’m single. Wow, […]

Dance (and write?) Like Nobody’s Watching

Rachel Brady Maybe it’s just me, but publishing a book feels a little bit like getting a serious groove on when you think you’re alone but people are watching. Dang. If I knew you were standing there during my unabashed booty-shake*, I’d have worked on my moves a little more. When I wrote my first […]

Call Me Crazy

Call me crazy. I’ve joined a new blogging community. Go ahead, I’m serious. Loca. Nuts. Headed for the loony bin. They all fit. I’m a blogging fool. But the thing is, I must love it or I wouldn’t do it! And blogging has made me so many fantastic friends. One, for example, ahem, Tonya Kappes, […]

The Art of Sweltering

As I look at my checkbook balance and see how much money I spent last week to keep my central air conditioning working, I wonder how people throughout the ages dealt with excessive heat and humidity without the benefit of electricity and Freon. No, I’m not going to research the history of the modern a/c […]

What We Love/Loathe About Summer

Stepping atop a soapbox in stilettos isn’t easy. But the whole Gang has climbed on up, and we’re ready to raise our voices on plenty of different topics. We won’t always agree, but that’s what makes life interesting. And we want to hear what you think, too. So join in our soapbox conversations the second […]

Forgotten Books

It may seem crazy to some to think of Gone With the Wind, a perennial favorite for close to 75 years now, as a forgotten book. But among many women of my generation (I’m 44), it IS forgotten. That is to say, my friends KNOW about it, but they’ve never READ it. Something unknown keeps […]

Who Tampered with Time?

Or a subtitle could be, who shortened the days? Honestly, 24 hours used to be so much longer than it is now. When I was a kid, summer days went on and on. I had time to ride my bike everywhere. I organized clubs and even wrote by-laws for them. I put out a magazine […]