Entries by The Stiletto Gang

A Scorpion in my Bed

Sounds like a book title, doesn’t it? Unfortunately, it’s the truth. When I went down to my bedroom last night and turned back the covers, there was a scorpion on my side of the bed. No, I didn’t scream. I thought it was dead–if I knew it was alive, I’d have killed it right then […]

The Sunny Side of the Street

I’d already written a blog for this week, but something happened that made me shelve it for the time being. I know you all want to know why I think Hugh Hefner actually made sense, but you’ll just have to wait for that bit of wisdom. Instead, I was backing out of my driveway and […]

Before and (Almost) After

by Susan McBride aka Mrs. Fix-It By special request, I’m back to (almost) finish up my home improvement tales. The to-do list has gotten rather skimpy, which makes me quite proud; although I still have a little ways to go on my re-vamping of the guest room project. Still I thought I’d share some “before” […]

Cozies versus Suspense/Mysteries

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about the difference between a traditional mystery verses a suspense (or hybrid suspense/mystery) and a cozy mystery. For me, understanding the differences has been key as I craft a proposal for a new cozy series. I’m the type of person who needs to really process through things and […]

Great Grandkids and Sports

This past weekend, my daughter and hubby drove their motor home from California with their two of their granddaughters to a big track meet in Arizona. Years ago, both their son and daughter participated in both the shot put and discus events in high school track. Now their son’s daughters who are both in middle […]

The Good Stuff in the News!

I’m ready to spend some time talking about “Good News.” Let’s talk heroes, good deeds, major accomplishments, and random acts of kindness. I was impressed this week with the story of the James King who found the missing eleven-year-old-girl in the Florida swamp. He said God led him straight through the mud, thigh-high waters, alligators, […]

I Love the Smell of Paint Fumes in the Morning

by Susan McBride I’ve been on a home improvement kick of late, fueled by the long To-Do list on the side of our refrigerator that’s ever-growing. With so much going on since Ed and I bought the house almost four years ago (deadlines, health crisis, getting hitched, et al), I’ve put off unfinished projects around […]

One Thing After Another

When you have a family as big as mine, there’s always something happening. We’ve had our share of divorces–and I’ve seen what happens to the poor kids when mom and dad finally split. Fortunately, I’ve also seen how the kids have managed to become decent adults after a few mishaps along the way. Recently touched […]

Oh for Goodness Sakes

Fair warning: Another judgmental blog. According to Whoopi Goldberg, Jesse James may have simply been searching for “something different” outside his marriage to Sandra Bullock. On her TV show, The View, she explained, “Hey, listen, I did it five or six times … Yes, I screwed around. Yes, while I was married. I made those […]

Good News & Bizarre News

The good news is that the third book in my Dirty Business mystery series, Dead Head (Minotaur Books) will be released next week. The bizarre news is the story of a Virginia man who bought a guinea pig in a pet store and then went home and made a hat out of it – which […]