Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Angel Encounters

Last week I wrote about Angels and was asked to tell about an Angel encounter. Here’s my favorite. A young mother I knew was coming home after attending a retreat, and was driving over a mountain pass. As I recall her telling of the event, the weather was bad and her car veered off the […]

Missing Person Alert: Where’s Ina?

For a bunch of writers, I notice that we all watch a lot of television. So no surprise that this entry is not only about television programming, but a complaint about its delivery. In my town, you have two choices for cable television. If I choose one, then I can’t get MSNBC. Not acceptable. If […]

My Deep Dark Confession and Zombies

Paul Tremblay is the author of The Little Sleep (Henry Holt, March 3, 2009). His second novel, No Sleep till Wonderland is forthcoming (February 2010). He is a two-time nominee of the Bram Stoker award and has sold over fifty short stories to markets such as Razor Magazine, Weird Tales, Last Pentacle of the Sun: […]

Kill ‘Em

We kill people for a living–or at least an approximation of a living, in my case, since my books pretty much pay for my own book addiction and not much else!. But I digress. We kill people or a living, but do you ever find yourself holding back and not killing off someone who really […]

Ghosts and Angels

Anyone who has known me for anytime at all has heard about all the haunted places hubby and I have stayed or visited: The Queen Mary, Room 17 in the Bella Maggoire Bed and Breakfast, the hotel across the street from the Alamo. Just this weekend we went on a ghost tour and visited the […]

Bring on the Drama(s)!

Now that Jay Leno is moving back to being the king of late night television, there should be five prime time hours in the NBC schedule opening up for new dramas. I can’t wait! Since the Fall TV season started, and some long-running NBC dramas were cancelled, I’ve moved most of my drama watching to […]

The Weirdness of Being a Writer

by Susan McBride Here I go again, getting all geared up and nervous for a new book release (11 days from today, to be exact!). I’m strapping on my mental Kevlar vest and my sturdiest virtual helmet, and I’m crossing fingers, toes, legs, eyes, whatever’s remotely cross-able. On January 26, THE COUGAR CLUB will be […]

Sneak Peek at The Cougar Club by Susan McBride

Kat Maguire on getting older: Aging gracefully isn’t about aging gratefully. It’s about living life with your engine on overdrive, making love with all the lights on, trashing your diet books, and diving into the chocolate cake.Chapter One When it rains, it pours. The sky opened up just as Kat Maguire exited Grand Central Station […]

The Good Old Days

Dana Cameron pointed out the good old days weren’t always that good. However, my memories of the ’50s which is a period that’s often mentioned as good old days, were for the most part just that. This photo was taken in 1958, not exactly sure when though the baby in my arms was born at […]

Sherlock Who?

I think it’s a generational thing. ***Spoiler Alert*** for books and movie. We walked out of the movie theater: husband and wife of a certain middle age; son and daughter, young adults. The movie? Sherlock Holmes. The reviews? Nothing short of fantastic, according to the younger set. For us older folks, it was a perfectly […]