Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Where Do You Get Your Ideas?

by Susan McBrideOne of the questions that writers are asked most frequently has to be, “Where do you get your ideas?” I remember hearing Denise Swanson once tell someone, “I order mine from J.C. Penney,” which I thought was pretty funny. Personally, I pluck mine from the Idea Tree which grows right beside the Money […]

A Writer’s Whirlwind

With my current publicity photo as proof, you can see that while some authors get writer’s block, I get stumped! Hurricane Ike was due to hit the Louisiana coast near Lake Charles on September 12, 2008. I boarded up the windows and delivered my wife Raejean and our dog to my mother’s house on higher […]

Some Tidbits About My Latest Book

For the entire month of October I was on a virtual book tour where I jumped from blog to blog every day except on the weekends. Though easier than a regular book tour in that I didn’t have to dress up and drive off to various book stores, I did have to spend a lot […]

Hallopalooza Reveal & Winners!

Thank you for joining us on our first Hallopalooza – our first Stiletto Gang Scavenger Hunt. We hope you had fun, enjoyed the mystery, and found some new blogs to visit on a regular basis! If you’d like to read the entire mystery in one location, we are including a link to the Evelyn David […]

A Halloween Ball Murder

Thanks for playing – the Scavenger Hunt is over now. Winners to be announced on Nov. 2, 2009 at noon Eastern time. The Stiletto Gang_________________________ Cast of Characters Heroine – Milla Adams – private detectiveSidekick – Fletcher Jones – police detective Victim – Carla Jordan – deceased, personal assistant to G. Winston Howard Suspects –G. […]

Hallopalooza – The Reveal

Dear Reader – Hopefully you have visited all the participating blog sites and you’ve returned here to solve the mystery. Put on Milla’s stiletto shoes and solve the mystery. If you’ve visited all the blog sites, you have all the clues necessary to reveal the killer. Put your mystery solution into an email to stilettogang@gmail.com […]

Warning: Nudity

I’m going with a theme this week with blogging. Nudist resorts. Ever been to one? Want to? Would you if it was essential for research (or some other aspect of your life)? I’ve been to a nudist resort, all in the name of research. See, in the currently-being-written third book in the Lola Cruz Mystery […]

Trick or Treating Past and Now

Halloween was always my favorite holiday. You’ll see why the past tense when you get to the end of the blog. As a kid, I was the last one to come in from trick-or-treating. Once I learned where the homemade cookies, popcorn balls and candy apples were being handed out, I was off like a […]

Trick or Treat

Chanukah brought presents – eight nights of presents (although I always argued that socks did not a present make). But Halloween brought candy, oodles and oodles of candy. It was the one night of the year that all nutritional discussion was suspended. There was no need to make the inevitable dinner bargain of “eat your […]

Can My Shorts Get Me a Novel Deal?

Chelle Martin is a member of Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, Romance Writers of America, The Cassell Network of Writers, and the Short Mystery Fiction Society. She’s a past Vice President of Sisters in Crime-Central Jersey and creator of the Clued In Press Award for short mystery fiction. Chelle has also been a […]