Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Trust Yourself

I’ve been proof-reading the galleys of my newest project, The Everything Baby’s First Year Book, which will be published January 18, 2010. While it’s been quite a while since I had kids in diapers, it’s amazing how the excitement of those days, as well as the fears and worries flood back. I hope this book […]

Garanimals for Grown-Ups

by Susan McBride I love October, and not just because it’s my birthday month. The older I get, the happier I am when summer has ended. Since I shun the sun (how else can I keep my ghostly pale complexion?), I’m a lot less fond of shorts and bathing suits than I used to be. […]

On the Clothesline

Writing clothes has developed into a theme on the Stiletto Gang this week. I’ve been thinking of what I have to say on the matter. Unfortunately, it’s not much. I write at night. So when I write, I wear whatever I wore to work that day minus shoes, jacket and jewelry. I pull my hair […]

What is Proper Writing Attire?

Of course there isn’t any such thing. I thought I’d throw the question out and learn what others wear while they are writing. I have a good friend who gets up at 4 a.m. everyday and begins writing in her pajamas and doesn’t get dressed until she’s through with her literary process. I must confess […]

Childhood Favorites

My daughter is loving her course in Children’s Television. I’m attending vicariously! One class focused on early TV shows like Howdy Doody (hello Clarabelle!) and Captain Kangaroo (cheers Mr. Greenjeans). The production values were scarcely high-tech. There was no attempt to hide Howdy’s puppet strings and the kids in the peanut gallery were sitting on […]

My Fall TV Line-Up

I confess – I’m a tv addict. Always have been. Each year since forever I’ve had my list of shows. I never miss them if I can help it. For decades the Special Fall Season TV Guide was my playbook. (Remember when the TV Guides were small and user-friendly? No grids.) I compared the new […]

How Do You Get Everything Done?

That’s a question I get asked all the time. The answer is, often I don’t. I make a lot of lists and cross things off when I get them done. Yesterday I planned to work on a book that has just been edited and take care of some of the edits. Instead, I read and […]

For a Sweet New Year

This weekend was Rosh Hashonah, the start of the Jewish New Year, 5770. While Dick Clark doesn’t host a “Rockin’ Rosh Hashonah” Show on ABC, and there aren’t thousands of people blowing horns, wearing funny hats, and watching the crystal ball descend into Times Square, like December 31, the Jewish New Year is a time […]

A Vegas Show Chicken in the Underbrush

Wendy Lyn Watson writes delicious mysteries with a dollop of romance. Her first cozy, I SCREAM, YOU SCREAM: A MYSTERY A LA MODE, will be released on October 6. To pay the bills, Wendy teaches constitutional law to college kids. She’s also an avid fan of 80s music, horror films, and (of course) ice cream. […]


My writing process? Strangely enough, it’s not based on the written word. I see and hear the scenes in my head. Then I type them into the computer. Although I’ve been a voracious reader since grade school, I didn’t try to write fiction until about six or seven years ago. My first short story was […]