Entries by The Stiletto Gang


The new office is finally beginning to feel like some place I’m supposed to be every day – not just a port in the storm. Readers that have been keeping up with my blog entries know that my new day job office was completed about a month later than promised. As a result my co-workers […]

Hooray, I Get to Stay Home for Awhile!

This month’s traveling is finally over and for the next two weeks I’m staying right here at home. Not sure that’s so wonderful though since the temperature hit 108 yesterday and supposed to be the same today. Last week we were in Santa Maria where everyone was complaining they were having a heat wave when […]

Bargain Hunting?

When I was a kid, shopping with my mother was an adventure. You got dressed up in your “good” clothes, went downtown, had an adult salesperson who remembered your name help you, bought what you needed, charged it on a store charge account, and then had lunch in the store restaurant that had linen napkins! […]

The Movies That Keep You Up At Night!

I admit it. There are certain movies I can’t resist watching over and over. You know them. It’s late. You need to be in bed. You’re working the next day. You do a little channel surfing before turning off the tv and there it is. The movie you can never click past. It’s caught you […]

On the Road Again

I’m writing this ahead of time because today hubby and I are headed from our place in the mountains over the flatlands, then the coastal mountains, down Highway 101 along the Pacific Coast to Santa Maria, California. Once there, we will spend three days at the Santa Maria Fair in the Fine Arts Exhibit along […]

Comfort Food

In times of stress, my stomach tends to rebel. No Chinese take-out, thank you. No spicy hot wings. No dark chocolate — which is the biggest surprise of all. For me, when under stress, I turn to the foods of my childhood. Simple, plain, no fancy condiments, perhaps a touch of mayo to sweeten the […]

A Perfect Role Model

In 2008, Stefanie Pintoff became the inaugural winner of the St. Martin’s Minotaur / MWA Best First Crime Novel Award with her novel, In the Shadow of Gotham. It is the first in a new series where early criminal science meets the dark side of old New York. A graduate of Columbia Law School, she […]

Some Assembly Required

I purchased a vacuum cleaner yesterday – a Hoover Wind Tunnel Bagged & Bagless with Pet Hair tool.I don’t have a pet, but since I have long hair … I got the Hoover because I’ve always had Hoovers. This will be my fourth in 25 years. So not a bad track record. My old Hoover […]

Earlier Times

On a list I’m on, people were reminiscing about their childhoods and how kids could use their imaginations more because they played outside–no one organized them. Things have truly changed and I think it’s too bad–and the main reason is because it’s too dangerous. Back in my younger days, I have a feeling there were […]

Highlights of The Southern Tour

Give me my ruby red slippers, there is nothing quite so satisfying as coming home. I miss my kids (hubby was with me), my bed, my dog (more on that later), my favorite mug full of my favorite tea. I am a creature of habit. But that being said, this trip was exhausting (6 events […]