Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Little Things Mean A Lot

by Susan McBride I find myself avoiding the evening news these days. I mostly tune in just to see the weather and hear any updates on off-season Blues hockey (hey, they just got a really good defenseman from Sweden who’s about 19 and cute as a button!). I’m not even very keen on reading online […]

Coming In for a Landing!

July 1, 2009, was the day of the big office move. I’ve mentioned before that my day job is with the Oklahoma Department of Mines. I’ve been there 25 years this month. About 20 of those years were spent in a rural field office. The building was nice when we moved in and after the […]

The Kindle

Yes, I broke down and bought a Kindle. I love it. Frankly, I didn’t buy it merely to read books. My main purpose was to have something to demonstrate while I gave talks on e-publishing. I’ve been doing that for a long time, and I had two such presentations lined up in a row. I […]

On the Road

I’m on my Southern Book Tour. I’ve heard about the promotional travels that F. Scott Fitzgerald and Ernest Hemingway would take. In those days, authors would move from city to city, stay at the poshest hotels, eat five-course meals, drink to the wee hours, all at the publisher’s expense, and then give thought-provoking readings of […]

Thanks, but No Thanks

Toni Andrews is the author of the Mercy Hollings series. Her newest book, Cry Mercy, was published this month by Mira. No offense. I don’t want to write your story. If you’ve seen the tale on my website, you know that I came to writing late in life. The blush has far from worn off—I’m […]

Another Chapter in the Susan Story

By Julie Kramer My debut, STALKING SUSAN, came out this week in paperback and now seems a good time to tell folks about the latest developments in the cases of the real Susans that inspired my thriller. As a journalist, I covered two cold cases in St. Paul, MN more than a decade ago that […]

PSWA Conference

We just arrived home from the Public Safety Writers Association conference held in Las Vegas. I don’t have my notes out yet, or even unpacked. Since it’s my day to post, I’ll give some of my general impressions. I was the program chair so I was pretty nervous as things began. I helped out with […]

Can I Have Some Cheese with that Whine?

The collective Evelyn David agreed to write a short story for Tony Burton’s holiday anthology (http://www.wolfmont.com), A Gift for Murder. All profits benefit Toys for Tots. Doing a mitzvah (good deed) AND seeing another story in print – a win-win for all. But writing is hard, and writing short stories is even harder (commence high […]

The Apology

I’ve been thinking about all the public apologies that celebrities, politicians, sports stars, comedians, and religious leaders feel the need to make. My sense of it is that they all apologize for the wrong thing. They should be apologizing for wasting my time with their carefully worded, audience tested, attempts to save or rehabilitate their […]

Deep Thoughts

Today’s one of those days where I’m all over the map, so I thought I would do a round-up (see #1 and #2) on some topics that I’ve written about previously and let you know about some promotional gigs that Evelyn David and I will be doing and how they’re going. I hope you’ll indulge […]