Entries by The Stiletto Gang

For Goodness Sakes, It’s My Turn

I didn’t really forget this was my day to blog. I have it on my calendar, but for some reason I thought I’d already done it and posted it to appear today. Obviously that’s not what happened. So, here I am, late and apologetic. Because I haven’t planned, I have no idea what to write […]

The Power of the Word

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. I thought it was one of the Founding Fathers who made that declaration, but it was actually Voltaire. Maybe you knew that. I’ve been thinking about Free Speech a lot lately. As a writer, of course I […]

Fuse Beads, a Metaphor for Writing

My kids are gung-ho these days for an arts-and-craft activity called fuse beads. This involves a tub of 10,000 multi-colored plastic beads that the kids meticulously place on forms to create rainbow colored dogs, fish, or other designs of their choice. I have mixed feelings about this craft. When the kids are using them, the […]

Is it Thursday? Already?

Time for me to blog again. And again, my thoughts are scattered. Just got home from Oklahoma City. I was there for the day to meet with my federal counterparts. The topic was hydrology structures on coal mining sites and the need to correct a conflict in the text of our state regulations. Sometimes figuring […]

Family, Great-Grandma’s Writing Adventures

This is a photo of my granddaughter, Jessi, who lives next door, and my great-granddaughter, Kay’Lee. Jessi is Kay’Lee’s aunt. They were together to celebrate Kay’Lee’s 6th birthday. I mainly put the photo in to brighten today’s post–and I like it. Because Jessi lives so close, we’ve been in on a lot of her life. […]

Two is Definitely More than One

I’m the mother of four children, so I shouldn’t have been surprised. Moms know that when you have a second child, the amount of work grows exponentially. So I should have realized that two dogs is definitely more than twice the amount of wear and tear. And don’t get me started on how they’ll entertain […]

Ah, the Joys of Home Work

by Susan McBride My husband thinks I’m so lucky. As a full-time writer, I work at home, which means I don’t have to fight rush-hour traffic in the morning or change out of my pajamas until noon. He’s jealous, too, that the cats can hang out in my office, their furry lengths draped across my […]

Have Your Cake & Eat It Too!

As Murder Takes the Cake is making its way onto library shelves across the U.S. we’d like to celebrate with a SPECIAL DRAWING JUST FOR LIBRARIANS. Sign up for our newsletter at our website. The sign up block is on the right column, just scroll down a few inches. Indicate on the sign up form […]

Reflection Back to Younger Years

After a posted a comment to the Jon and Kate Reality TV show I got to thinking back about what life was like when I was a fairly young mom and my kids were all at home. Would I have done a reality TV show? Since my kids are in their late forties and fifties […]

Me Too Charlaine

I was drinking my early morning tea, reading the New York Times, when I laughed out loud in recognition. It was a wonderful article on the delightful Charlaine Harris, and just like I often do, although not quite so eloquently, she felt the need to justify herself as an author. “Like many a commercial writer, […]