Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Corporate Crooks and Idiots

John Thain is an idiot. Forget the fact that on his watch, Merrill Lynch lost $15 billion in three months. I don’t need an MBA from Harvard to know that he didn’t have a firm grasp of that bronco. No, I’d think he was an idiot even if he’d manage to save the company from […]

The Road to Love Is Murder – Part II

A week from now I’ll be on the road to Chicago to the Love is Murder conference. It will probably be the second day of my drive – since I just can’t seem to make myself drive more than 6 or 7 hours in one stretch. Also weather will play into my travel plans. Snow […]

The Muse was there, So was everyone Else!

I’ve been working on my next Rocky Bluff P.D. crime novel (still bordering on cozy since I don’t use bad words or have graphic sex scenes) and I’ve been struggling. I know how it’s going to end, and some of what it’s going to take to get there, but it wasn’t jelling.Everyone was going to […]

Procrastination, Thy Name is Evelyn

Let me rephrase that: thy name is the Northern half of Evelyn David. I’m what is politely known as “between assignments” – or more bluntly, unemployed. Last week I handed in the manuscript for my latest nonfiction project, The Everything Baby’s First Year Book. It will be published later this year. Loved the topic. There […]

Excuse My Manners (or Lack Thereof)

by Susan McBride I don’t claim to be an expert on etiquette. Everyone in my family has probably caught me talking with my mouth full once too often (although I try not to, really!). My Midwestern mother worked hard to instill a sense of etiquette in me, and I can still quote the infamous ditty […]

Preparing for Love Is Murder – Part 1

In a few weeks I’ll be attending Love is Murder for the third time. The author, reader, and book conference may not begin until February 6th but I’m already preparing mentally and organizing my “stuff.” First of all I paid my registration fees and booked the hotel room months ago. Not that I’m that organized, […]

Friday Night Lights

Hubby and I are thrilled that Friday Night Lights is back on the air–on Friday nights, of course. Neither of us are really football fans, but we love that TV series. We didn’t watch it when it first came on the air, but were introduced through Netflix and watched all of the first three seasons. […]

Preserve, Protect and Defend

Tomorrow, at noon, Barack Obama will take the oath of office. He will swear, on the Lincoln Bible, to “faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” While it’s not part of the official oath, […]

Keeping Faith

I once watched a wonderful British mini-series, full of galloping horses, lush landscapes, and inevitably, class wars. Poor orphan girl comes to the home of her rich, foul-humored uncle, and must decide if she loves her sensitive boy cousin, his swashbuckling wastrel brother, or the stable hand who is poor but sincere. Leaving aside the […]


I saw the movie Gran Torino in the theatre last Sunday. The last movie I saw before that in a theatre was the recent X-Files movie. Both were good movies, but I almost walked out on both before they even got past the opening credits. Due to a lack of time I rarely see movies […]