Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Mystery of Crime Fiction

By Lynn McPherson Have you ever wondered what draws a reader to crime fiction? Is there not enough crime in the real world that the human psyche longs for even more? Today, let’s explore the possibilities behind the love and longing for books that focus on the darker side of humankind. There are several sub-genres […]

a little of this and that

I had a post all ready in my mind, that is until I discovered that the updated document is at my office. Anyway, I recently attended the ADCOLOR Conference for marketing and media minority and diversity professionals. Can you imagine walking into a conference and seeing hundreds of “like” professionals that look like shades of […]

A Favorite Fall Treat – One Bowl Pumpkin Bread

by Shari Randall Yes, I need to work on my food styling. The joys of fall are many – the blaze of crimson and orange leaves and the satisfying crunch of walking through them on a country lane. Apple picking and corn mazes. The cooler weather, making it a perfect time to wear cozy, soft […]

Friends and Sidekicks

by Sparkle Abbey In life and in fiction, sidekicks and friends are important. In fiction, authors use sidekicks and friends to give insight about the main character. That insight helps us, as readers, understand more about who that characters is and what makes them tick. While you can know quite a lot about a character […]

The Red Shoes

by Shari Randall You may have noticed that the Stiletto Gang has an updated look. We’re celebrating our new logo with a giveaway! Readers who comment on one of the Red Shoes blogs in September and October are entered to win either an Amazon or Starbucks $10 gift card. Join in the fun! The winner will be […]

Highway to Friendship

By Sparkle Abbey We love to travel. Whether it’s just the two of us, with our critique group, or with our husbands, we love the adventure that lies ahead.  We’ve traveled together by plane and car. We’ve been to Illinois, New York, California, Washington DC, Michigan (on accident), Missouri, Nebraska, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Colorado, Florida, and […]

Bouchercon Bound

In less than two weeks, over one thousand crime fiction fans will converge in St. Petersburg, Florida for one of the largest reader fan convention. . . Bouchercon. Bouchercon is our annual world mystery convention where every year readers, writers, publishers, editors, agents, booksellers and other lovers of crime fiction gather for a 4-day weekend […]

Running and Writing

       By guest author, Jennifer Klepper      I love the name of this group of writers: The Stiletto Gang. It’s sexy and fierce, and while the Stiletto Gang probably doesn’t actually wear stilettos while they’re writing their books (do they?), I can easily imagine them traipsing about in their spiked heels and drinking martinis […]