Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Women Empowering Women by Juliana Aragón Fatula

A collection of photos from my writing workshops and women I admire. Women Empowering Women Writing Workshops this link will open to forty-nine photos and quotes on writing. When I write I listen to music, it plays in the background, setting the mood for my characters. My writing style comes from playwriting and screenwriting and […]

Pacing A Page Turner

by Sparkle Abbey Over the years, one of the questions we get asked frequently is how to do we keep our pacing so tight? We jokingly like to reply, “We leave out the boring stuff.” Some people think pace just happens organically. Honestly, we work pretty darn hard on pacing. For us, pacing is a […]

Fears for Characters by Juliana Aragon Fatula

5.23.2018 It’s the time in Spring when my peonies, iris, poppies, gladiolas bloom in time for Memorial Day and decorating the graves of my loved ones who have gone to the other side. It’s always been my habit to use fresh cut flowers from my garden instead of plastic or silk flowers; they don’t last […]

Getting the Setting Right

by Shari Randall Shari here, taking a bit of a break from writing Book Three in my Lobster Shack Mystery series. I just mailed in copy edits on Book Two, Against the Claw, which will be published on July 31. My kids love the fact that it comes out on Harry Potter’s birthday! When I started […]

Facts in Fiction: Samuel Lount

By Judy Penz Sheluk Readers of my Glass Dolphin Mystery series know that the book is set in the small, historic town of Lount’s Landing, Ontario, Canada. While Lount’s Landing is a much fictionalized version of Holland Landing, where I lived for 25 years, the man who it was named after—Samuel Lount—was very real. The first […]

My Black Moments by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Juliana 1971 a survivor Dear Reader, This is my fourth Thursday of the Month of April 2018 post. I’ve decided to tell you my story of how I became a writer.  I love a good murder mystery. I love to look for clues into solving a good mystery. I also dig it when the writer […]

A little of this, a little of that

It’s my turn to write a post and I really have nothing. Next week will be a busy one as Malice Domestic convention is upon on. Some will trek to Bethesda, Maryland to attend panels and listen to honored guest and be one with the reading/writing universe. I look forward to attending this convention as […]

Visiting With The Killer Coffee Club

by Shari Randall One of the biggest perks of being an author is getting to spend time talking with readers. Because I’m a writer, reader, and former librarian, I love talking books! I feel torn while writing because I stay away from the type of books I love reading most – mysteries. I’m afraid I’ll […]

Deadlines by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Dear Readers,  I know most of you are aware that I have stopped using Facebook. I’m waiting for Zuckerberg to get his act together. I may return someday. But for now, this blog will be my main form of communicating with you. So, please add your comments and I will respond.  Today is my second […]

Travel Plans aka Adventures

by Sparkle Abbey What’s that saying about the best laid plans? Oh, right…the full quote is “The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” From the Scottish poet, Robert Burns. It seems that particular quote is often true for us. And especially when it involves travel plans. Or as we like to […]