Entries by The Stiletto Gang

On Plotting, Pantsing & Premise

By Judy Penz Sheluk As a pantser (someone who writes without an outline, outside of a rough idea of where the story might be going), I’ve always envied plotters (someone who actually knows where the story is going before they begin to write it). To put it in real-world terms, the pantser is the equivalent […]

Sparkle Abbey’s Top Five Writing Books

by Sparkle Abbey We are list people. By that we mean we like to make lists for just about everything. On any given day you could ask to see our daily to do lists, goal lists, grocery store lists, movies we want to see list, books we want to read list, conferences we want to […]

Comments on Juliana Aragón Fatula’s Colorado Public Radio Interview, Chicana Writer Turns Her Stormy Colorado Past Into Poetry

http://www.cpr.org/news/story/chicana-writer-turns-her-stormy-colorado-past-poetry link to Colorado Public Radio interview last year. I welcome comments, feedback, critique…on my poetry and the interview in the link above. One of the comments posted to the CPR.org website, infuriated my friends, who quickly posted their comments defending me. I don’t need defending. I am what I am. But I appreciate that […]

Full Circle for a Debut Author

by Shari Randall Many thanks to the Stiletto Gang for inviting me to be part of the, well, gang. This year marks my debut as a novelist with the January 30 publication of the first in my new Lobster Shack Mystery series, Curses, Boiled Again! I’ll be sharing the debut author journey with you here […]

Sixty years of memories, 2018 by Juliana Aragon Fatula from my upcoming memoir: Y Que? A spiritual memoir.

The Road I Ride Bleeds my first chapbook. My first children’s poetry book from Writing Workshops Editor for Writers in the Schools Program sponsored by Colorado Humanities Creative Industries Publishing.  My favorite mode of transportation in my youth: an Indian. Thirteen going on Thirty the 70’s My first book of Poetry. https://www.bowerhousebooks.com/team/juliana-aragon-fatula/ Mi abuelita, Phoebe […]

Series Stories: Why We Love Them

by Sparkle Abbey The days are short and the nights are long and in many parts of the country it’s really cold outside. The perfect time to immerse yourself in a new book. Or maybe in a new series. We confess we’ve often found ourselves hooked on a great series, whether a mystery, a YA, […]

Untitled Post

Bridging Borders 2017 Pueblo, Colorado,  by Juliana Aragón Fatula Bridging Borders 2017 Writing Workshop at Rawlings Library, Pueblo, CO. The Stiletto Gang represents women who are mystery writers; I haven’t published my first mystery novel, I am writing my first manuscript. I switched genres from poetry to follow my dream of writing a mystery. Today, […]

Profound Reality by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Aragon Siblings with my Dad, Julian Aragon This holiday season I’m going big. Big decorations, big parties, big big big. I haven’t celebrated Christmas in years and  years never mind why. It’s sad. But this year I have reason to celebrate and I’m going to. I feel like I’ve been saving up for this one […]

Movie Stars Merry & Bright

by Sparkle Abbey Judy posted earlier in the week about the traditions of holiday movies and we couldn’t help but add our two cents worth on the topic because we love holiday movies. Do you like holiday movies? Do you have a favorite (or two or three) that you look forward to each year as […]

Wow! I just had an epiphany…I’m a Ph.D. in life. By Juliana Aragon Fatula

https://www.facebook.com/juliana.aragonfatula Crazy Chicana in Catholic City my first book of poetry Conundrum Press Photo of Juliana by the incredible photo journalist, Tracy Harmon Favorite photo of one of my poetry readings. I look hot in red, que no? I was minding my own business and doing what I do, reading, writing, revising, writing, researching…and I […]