Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Book Fog

by Sparkle Abbey We’ve all experienced it, right? That feeling when you’ve been so immersed in a story that you come up for air and the real world seems a little foggy. As a reader, those are the best books aren’t they? The author has succeeded at taking us on a journey. We’ve lived in […]

My turn at Bouchercon

First night: First night there, my friend and I took a cab ($15 CAD) to Eva’s Original Chimneys and tried their hand-made ice cream cone – I had the typical vanilla/chocolate twist with rainbow sprinkles on the cinnamon coated cone. Yummy. To prevent the ice cream from falling through the bottom, they put a chocolate […]

A Chance to be a Better Mom by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Dan 1977ish My son, Dan, planting a flower garden for me. This post is dedicated to all of the children raising children in the seventies. Becoming a mother at fifteen taught me two things: my love for my son is unconditional and my son’s love for me is unconditional. We are connected by love. We […]

Liars or Truth Seekers?

by Sparkle Abbey Ever play two truths and a lie? The ice breaker game where each person shares three facts about him or herself, but one is really a lie. The others must pick out the lie from the truths. The most successful players know that the best lie contains a truthful element. According to […]

Social Media – Love It? Or Leave It?

by Sparkle Abbey It seems lately social media is on fire with current events, opinions, and, of course, cat videos. And baby goats in pajamas, and delicious recipes, and funny memes. And sometimes very personal and life-altering events. Isn’t it amazing how much we take for granted about that connection. A connection that a few […]

Literary Weekend

As the non-writer of this group, I really had nothing to say for my blog post today. But then I thought about my girl’s weekend and how we met and it was quite literary. Thanks to Joanna Campbell Slan, Yifat C., Marla H. and I met when Joanna hosted a gathering of her beta readers […]

A Shakespearean Tragedy by Juliana Aragon Fatula

I loved all of my students; of course there were the disadvantaged, the shy, the challenged, the misfits, and the freaks; I loved them all. A few of them kept in touch for the last six years. I follow their graduation to college to work to whatever happens next in their lives. I wasn’t prepared […]