Entries by The Stiletto Gang

What Inspires You?

by Sparkle Abbey “All the effort in the world won’t matter if you’re not inspired.”―Chuck Palahniuk Inspiration is everywhere. As writers, we are always looking for ways to be stirred to greatness… or at least to productivity. Inspiration drives actions. In our case, that means words on the blank page. When we’re on deadline, as […]


It’s my turn again and I have nothing. So I’m going to ramble a bit about nothing. It occurred to me the other day that I’ve been to twice as many conferences this year than ever before. January I was in Honolulu, Hawaii with Left Coast Crime – had a blast and able to cross […]

What I Know For Sure by Juliana Aragon Fatula

Phoebe Gomez Mondragon 1970’s. Southern Colorado my maternal grandmother. Juliana Aragon Gomez Gallegos Mondragon Aragon Fatula granddaughter of Phoebe Mondragon Excuse me for my late night blogging. It’s Tuesday and I’ve had a busy week. So busy that I’ve failed to take the time to write a really great post. And I’m tired and it’s […]

Retreating In Order to Move Forward

by Sparkle Abbey To retreat is an act or a process of withdrawing. At least according to our handy Merriam Webster Dictionary app.  However, it has also come to mean a place you go to get away from it all. A place to relax, reflection and recharge. This past weekend we participated in a different […]

Mesmerized by British TV

by Sparkle Abbey Since we read and write cozy mysteries, there was a high probability that we’d also like  British mystery shows. We do. And not just the mysteries, but also the cooking, drama, and comedy shows. In fact, British TV has been popular for a while—well before the smash hit Downton Abbey. Did you […]

Strong Women Characters

Conundrum Press Write what you know. If you don’t know about something read a book, research, ask experts about their field. If you don’t know how to write a murder mystery, and you want to write one, read a few hundred in the genre you like. I’ve read mysteries written by men, women, and to […]