Entries by The Stiletto Gang

My First Left Coast Crime 2016

It was called The Great Cactus Caper. Authors, fans, booksellers, editors, librarians, publishers, oh my! Loads of fun at every corner and in every bar (okay there was only one bar, but it had many corners). Seven hundred and counting. That’s how many were registered, which makes Left Coast Crime a shade larger than Malice […]

An Hour in the Life of a Writer

By Kimberly Jayne I’ve just had an incredible idea. Instead of my characters discussing whether an old prophecy is true, my protagonist is going to give them proof! Oh wow, this is so good. No, not good. Phenomenal! Fingers poised over the keyboard, imagining the firestorm about to ignite. Bwaa-ah-ah! [rubs hands]  They’re not going […]

A Villain’s Voice

by Jennae Phillippe For my inaugural blog on The Stiletto Gang, I wanted to make a good first impression. And then I found out on the day I was going to post my first ever Stiletto blog that I had read the instructions wrong (mixing up AM and PM in the time I was supposed […]

People Watching – A Writer’s Hobby

by Sparkle Abbey If you haven’t heard, Iowa was quite a big deal this week. According to the NBC evening news Monday night, the whole world watched as we were the first state to caucus for the next president of the United States. We’re not sure the whole world was watching our state, but we […]

The Secrets Are All Out Now

Juliana at Red Canyon Falling On Churches, Colorado February 3, 2016 The Secrets Are All Out Now by Juliana Aragón Fatula I promised my students that I would tell their story. The secrets are all out now. In 2009 I taught teatro at Cesar Chavez Academy in Pueblo, CO. My teatro students had been studying […]

Sparkle Abbey on Downton Abbey

by Sparkle Abbey Downton Abbey’s final season launched this past week and so we couldn’t let this major event pass without a nod to this highly acclaimed British drama. You might remember we did a contest a while back with all the differences between Downton Abbey and Sparkle Abbey. And now, our latest book Downton […]