Entries by The Stiletto Gang

So How is Your 2016 Going?

Mine is starting fine. I’ve learned through the many years that I’ve been on earth that my attitude has a lot to do with how things are going. Of course, I have my frustrations. Hubby and I both are feeling our age which has made some things we used to enjoy doing now impossible like […]

What Have you Done or Are Doing for the Holidays?

Christmas is coming at our house. Since I’ve gotten old, our celebrations have changed a lot. In days gone by, I, along with my children, and later grandkids, decorated a big tree and every corner of the living room. Now, my decorations are minimal–for two reasons. 1. I’m old and the kids have grown up […]

Saying Goodbye and Planning for the Future

Hi Gang, I’m turning in my Stiletto heels with this post. The amount of writing and promo and releasing and of course, the day job, has caused me to cry uncle. If you don’t know, I have two series – The Tourist Trap and the new Cat Latimer Mystery series that releases to book stores […]

Feeling Blessed

By Sparkle Abbey The holiday season is in full swing. Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday…all were officially over in a swift five days. Unlike us, most of you have probably not only finished your Christmas shopping, but have your gifts wrapped, and tucked tenderly under your beautifully decorated Christmas tree. What were we doing while […]

My Christmas Offering by Marilyn Meredith

Between December 7 and December 11 I am offering an old book of mine, Lingering Spirit for 99 cents on Kindle. Why am I doing this? Because it is one of my favorite books–not a mystery in the usual sense of the genre–but there are many questions to be answered. Mainly, I’d categorize it as […]

Busy, Busy, Busy

Though I keep saying I’m going to slow down, it doesn’t seem to work out that way. I’ve sent my next Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery to my publisher, and of course, the niggling thought is there, I better plan the promotion. I’m also writing the next Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery–and I need to really get […]


by Sparkle Abbey Change. This past Sunday we had a book signing for our latest release. It was during the question and answer session we realized it was four years ago to the exact day we had our very first book signing, November 1, 2011. From book one, Desperate Housedogs to book eight, Downton Tabby. […]

Staying Organized

That sounds good, doesn’t it? I’m using that title because people are always saying that I’m organized. I don’t really think I am–but this is what I do to help me not forget. I keep a paper calendar–a big one. It’s on my desk. I put everything on it, places I need to be and […]

Being thankful by Lynn Cahoon

Sometimes the days come and go so fast, I barely have time to think, let alone be grateful for the good things that have come to my doorstep.  November is traditionally our month to slow down a bit and think about all the things that we should be thankful for. Maybe its a hold out […]


     by Sally Berneathy The dictionary defines “inanimate” as “(1) not having the qualities associated with active, living organisms; (2) not animated or energetic; dull; (3) belonging to the class of nouns that stand for nonliving things.” We humans…living, animate beings…have a tendency to refer to nonliving things such as a chair or table as […]