Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Seven Things

Seven Things By Laura Bradford I have to admit, I’m so copying off Marjorie’s post idea from Tuesday (though, technically speaking, I, too, was tagged on this 7-things-you-might-not-know-about-my-writing thing by the Stiletto Gang’s own Lynn Cahoon a while back). So here we go.. 1) My first book was written in twenty-minute increments over a five year […]

Things Aren’t What They Used to Be

Things Aren’t What They Used to Be by Debra H. Goldstein I am a dinosaur.  The signs have been there for awhile – my friends are talking about or getting plastic surgery, cruise brochures are more exciting than the ones we looked at when we booked a trip to climb The Great Wall of China […]

Finding time to write

Hi gang, It’s been a busy spring for me, not only am I finishing writing Tourist Trap #6, I had edits and page proofs for Dressed to Kill (Tourist Trap #4) and Killer Run (Tourist Trap #5). I love revisiting South Cove and making sure all the i’s are dotted and the t’s crossed. I’ve […]

Where Do You Read?

by Sparkle Abbey We just spotted a great article on the BookBub Blog about places to read. Check it out: How to Create the Perfect Reading Nook.   Aren’t those some gorgeous reading nooks? But the truth is most of us don’t have the luxury of the “perfect” place to read. So we improvise. We find places […]

My Latest Book by Marilyn aka F.M. Meredith

Though I haven’t seen a copy yet, Violent Departures, the latest in my Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery series is now available on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Violent-Departures-Rocky-Bluff-P-D/dp/1610091817/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1426344244&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=Violent+Departures+by+F.+M.+Meredith Blurb for Violent Departures: College student, Veronica Randall, disappears from her car in her own driveway, everyone in the Rocky Bluff P.D. is looking for her. Detective Milligan and family move […]

Character vs Real Life

Sparkle Abbey is hosting guest blogger, Shannon Baker Today we’re joined by our good friend, Shannon Baker. She’s graciously offered to give away a copy of her latest novel Tattered Legacy. Just leave a comment to be entered to win. (U.S only.) Take it away Shannon! I never start off a novel to work out […]

My Upcoming Author Appearances, by Marilyn Meredith

No longer do I head off to far-away places that need to be reached by air. (I may ignore that decision if something intriguing enough should arise, but that’s how I’m feeling now.) Most of the in-person appearances I’ll be making in the next few months are driveable. Last Saturday was the first one of […]

The Idea Store by Lynn Cahoon

Last summer, before my life turned upside down, I committed to joining Toastmasters at my workplace. Since August, I’ve given one speech. This month, I’ll be giving two, one in a competition. Crazy, right? The good news is I’ve been speaking in public since my first job where I was the radio girl who listed […]