Entries by The Stiletto Gang


I’m here to talk about holidays. Since we recently celebrated Christmas, holidays are on my mind. Did you there are hundreds of holidays that are celebrated and/or observed in the United States? We have Federal Holidays which is an authorized holiday that has been recognized by the U.S. government; then there are celebrations and observations; […]

OMG, I’m Doing an Audio Book!

by Sally C. Berneathy I am in the process of getting my first audio book out there. As a self-published author, the whole process is up to me. Yikes! It’s simple to upload a formatted document to Amazon, Nook, Kobo, Smashwords and CreateSpace. But an audio book involves somebody reading the entire book and magically […]

In 2015 I want to…

In 2015, I Want To… By Laura Bradford By the time I’m next here, we’ll be into the middle of January (wow) and the whole “new year” concept will be getting a bit stale. So let’s chat about that now, shall we? For the last few years, my friend (fellow Stiletto Gang member, Lynn Cahoon) […]

The Neighborhood Bookstore

As promised I’m giving my report on how my day at The Neighborhood Bookstore turned out. This was not a real bookstore but a home with 8 authors setting up displays in different rooms of the house: in the open small office, the living room, a den, and another living room–that’s where I was with […]

Are Book Signings Old Hat?

By Sparkle Abbey In a couple of weeks we will have our last book signing for 2014. We always enjoy participating in signings. It’s a great way to connect with our readers, network with other writers, and to support local booksellers.   Over the past three years, we’ve participated in local events, regional mystery reader […]

Titles and Covers Too Similar? by Marilyn Meredith

Frankly, I always thought it was a good thing that the covers in my Deputy Tempe Crabtree mysteries are similar. And though my titles are all short, I hadn’t thought about any being too similar. However, with my latest two books, it seems that both the titles and the cover are similar enough that I’ve […]

Stephen King and I

by Sally Berneathy A couple of weeks ago one of my local writers’ groups went to see Stephen King in person. I’ve been hooked on his books since The Shining in 1977. I got the book in the mail from my book club just before my husband-at-the-time and I went on vacation. Of course I […]

Bouchercon 2014 redux

It’s been a week since Bouchercon ended and I miss the fun times hanging out with my friends.  For a recap of my trip, click HERE. While in Long Beach, I went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame; saw the Hollywood sign; saw Steven Spielberg’s compound, and saw the house on stilts that was featured […]

Remembering The Good

Remembering the Good By Laura Bradford Isn’t this a lovely idea?   I think I just might try this, this year…maybe even make a jar (with these instructions) and give them to friends for the holidays. Have you ever given a homemade gift for the holidays (as an adult)? Tell us about it… ~Laura