Entries by The Stiletto Gang

A New Type of Book Event by Marilyn Meredith

Recently I received an email from a woman in a neighboring city who is planning a book event in her home. She mentioned the writers she’d invited and asked if I’d like to be a part of what she and another author were planning. Of course I said yes. The plan is that there will […]

Bad to the Bone!

Is it November already? This last week has been jammed packed with activity in Sparkle Abbey’s world. Besides the typical day job and normal family craziness, book six, The Girl with the Dachshund Tattoo hit the virtual bookshelves. We knew it was coming, but we didn’t realize it was coming so soon. Not that we’re […]

Too, too busy! by Marilyn Meredith

Here I am, an old lady, retired from several jobs over the years–now I’m just supposed to be a writer. However, I’m still doing some consulting for folks who are either in the residential care business or want to be. For the first mentioned, I do a monthly newsletter, attend their organization’s meetings, and answer […]

Magna Cum Murder – a visitor report By Lynn Cahoon

Last weekend I drove to Indianapolis, Indiana for a my first mystery conference, Magna Cum Murder, sponsored by Ball State. The weekend was beautiful, both outside and in the historic Columbia Club where the conference was held. According to the valet, the Club was built in 1924. The great lobby was filled with dark wood […]

I’m late with not much to say.

So, instead of a blank page, I’ll just ramble on. I attended a book signing with Clea Simon this past week. It was a fun affair at the Mysterious Bookshop. I’m looking forward to hanging out with several authors in the coming weeks. It will be a fun time for all. I’m having a Book […]

When Will I Stop Writing? by Marilyn Meredith

This question has been discussed recently on the DorothyL list. And to be perfectly honest, I’ve had people ask me that question too. Probably because I am old. Yes, I’m the ancient one of this group. I’ve been around since the beginning of this blog. I’ve been writing nearly all my life, but didn’t get […]


By Laura Bradford As the holiday months draw closer, I can’t help but find myself thinking about all of my “can’t-waits.” You know, the decorating, the baking, the wrapping, the music, and on and on. It all makes me happy. Really, truly happy. But as much as I adore the holidays and everything they mean, […]

Circling Back to the Beginning

By Evelyn David It’s hard to believe, but it’s been almost seven years since we began The Stiletto Gang. In Evelyn David mystery terms, that’s four books and eleven novellas. Hard to find the words to say how important it’s been to us to be in such a warm, supportive community of mystery lovers: authors […]

Juggling Again–or Should I Say Still?

Because I have a new book on the scene, the latest Deputy Tempe Crabtree mystery, River Spirits, I am really juggling a lot. One of my earlier books in the series, Bears With Us, will be offered for .99 cents on Kindle from October 13- 17, which will take a lot of promoting. Through the […]

Virtual friends

Welcome to the new age…. Did you have a pen pal as a teenager? Someone you wrote long, emotion filled letters about your life, your hopes, your dreams that lived far enough away to keep your secrets? I loved getting and sending my letters. Until real life stepped in and we lost touch. Now, I […]