Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Just Back From My Favorite Writing Conference

When this appears, I will be home one day from going to Las Vegas and attending the Public Safety Writers Association’s annual conference.    http://policewriter.com/wordpress/ It has always been a favorite of mine for several reasons. I joined this group years ago when it was called The Police Writers Club–and the only members were active […]

Hot, Bothered, & Feeling a Little Constrained

– by the Southern Half of Evelyn David Today was Evelyn David’s turn to post a blog here at The Stiletto Gang. Most of you are aware by now that “Evelyn David” is the pen name for two of us. We try to take turns writing the Evelyn David blog, but I have to admit […]

Gremlins – Don’t Feed at All

By Bethany Maines The premise of my Carrie Mae Mystery series is that in the sixties, while other ladies were burning their bras and inventing Tupperware, Carrie Mae Robart founded a door to door / friend to friend cosmetic selling empire – Carrie Mae Cosmetics. Her goal was to give women financial independence without having […]

Cause of death – Researching?

So, yeah, I’m writing a new mystery for the Tourist Trap series.  And I’ve got this dead guy in the middle of the floor, playing, no being, dead. I know who kills Kent. I know why he has to die. It’s the how. I had a great idea that I started researching and ran into […]

Computers–Love ‘Em and Hate ‘Em

When I think back to when I first started writing and used a typewriter and carbon paper–I love my computer. When I’m having problems with my computer–like right now–I hate it. I’m writing this on my iPad because my computer won’t start. I’m taking it in to the repair shop, but this is due in […]

The Importance of Death, Chocolate and Ex-Husbands

I’ve been a writer since I was eight years old and wrote my first story…a mystery…in lieu of doing a book report. Over the years my writing has taken many different turns. Superman inspired me to write about a clever newspaper reporter who solved mysteries. After reading Dracula and watching movies like Wolfman, The Mummy […]

Just The Facts

76% of American adults 18 and older read at least one book in 2013 69% read a book in print 28% read an e-book 14% listened to an audio book The average number of books read or listened to in 2013 is 12; median is five. 52% of readers only read a print book; 4% […]

Brothers and Sisters, TV series

Hubby and I got a Roku recently, and with a lot of help from a daughter and granddaughter, we got the device hooked up. Now we can stream Netflix movies through our computer to our TV. It’s still a bit complicated, have to use three different remotes to get to where we want to be–and […]

Summer Reading Club

Do you remember the library programs where you earned points for every book read?  Of course, there’s always that kid who read the easy books, just to get the points. But for me, it was a matter of pride to expand my reading level, especially in the summer. All I wanted was a good story. […]

Villainy & Garbage

By Bethany Maines I’m sitting in my backyard listening to my neighbors complain about one of their roommates. Apparently, the miscreant roommate has three bags of trash sitting by the door to his room that he has failed to take out.  “I mean, that’s not a problem… exactly.” Each of the guys carefully, and politely […]