Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Mind Over Murder

By Evelyn David Frank Herbert, the science fiction author, once said, “Without change, something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.”  While the two halves of Evelyn David aren’t moving into writing sci-fi, we did make a conscious decision to try, for our newest project, something entirely different. It’s not that we […]

Much Ado About Something

by Sparkle Abbey When we attend conferences, besides meeting readers (our favorite part of cons and the biggest reason we attend) we’re often on panels with fellow authors, and we also try to attend as many of the other panels as we can. We admit we’re sometimes (okay, frequently) distracted by catching up with friends […]

Nothing Stays the Same

The end of May we attended two graduations–great-grandkids, a brother and sister, both from high school. The boy graduated from his regular school. His sister changed schools in September, took an accelerated schedule to graduate a year early. We’ve been to lots of high school graduations over the years, our own kids, grandkids and one […]

Signs of Summer

As I write this on my lunch hour from the day job, I’m eating a BBQ chicken salad made of leftovers from last night’s grilled dinner. When the weather turns warm, we grill a lot of our dinners. And on the weekends, some lunches as well. Last year, it was a matter of necessity as […]


By Bethany Maines This past year I have been focusing on my graphic design business and having a child (see adorable picture of Zoe below) and it’s been hard to give the time required to write a novel.   Not that I’ve stopped writing or wanting to write, but the amount of hours I have available […]

Another ramble by yours truly

What should I talk about? I have no idea. This is getting harder and harder to find a topic that will interest people to stop by and see what I have to say. Hey, if you’re reading this, thank you! Someone asked with my daytime situation, how do I have time to do the other […]

Why Do I Keep on Writing?

That’s a good question, one I must ask myself periodically. I spend a good percentage of each day in front of my computer either working on a new book, editing, or promoting whichever book is out now.  And guess what? I don’t make much money. And what I do make is spent on promotion. No, […]

Tried and True Shall Be My Guide

Tried and True Shall Be My Guide By Laura Bradford “You won’t know if you don’t try.” “Sometimes life’s best surprises come in unexpected packages.” When I look back on my childhood, these two quotes were uttered in my ear most often–usually in relation to eating vegetables (something I still don’t like to this day, but […]


by Bethany Maines I was watching The Big Bang Theory the other day – the one where Sheldon was expounding on his hatred for Wil Wheaton, his “arch-nemesis.”  Having an arch-nemesis is such a comic book notion that the idea of a real person with an arch-nemesis has comedic potential built in.  But it got […]