Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Princess Power

By Evelyn David I’d love to know the genius at Disney who one day turned and said, “Hey, let’s market the young heroines of our movies. We’ll call them all Princesses, whether or not they have any royal pedigree. Little girls will go crazy for them. No need to actually see any of the films. […]

Breathing a Sigh of Relief, April is Over

Most know that I just finished a month long blog tour for Murder in the Worst Degree, a most intensive and time consuming task. Was it worth it? Yes, I think so, but I’ve written about it on my own blog and on the Make Mine Mystery blog. http://makeminemystery.blogspot.com/ While all that was going on, I […]

The Vacation Bucket List

Where do you like to vacation?  Lynn wants to know…. When I was a child, my family didn’t go on a summer vacation. If we went on a trip, usually it was to see family. My parents moved to Idaho from a small town in South Dakota, Winner. My grandparents lived on a farm complete […]

Will the Real Kate Davidson Please Stand Up?

by Sparkle Abbey with Tracy Weber Today we’d like to share a guest post from our friend and fellow dog-lover, Tracy Weber. Take it away, Tracy! I’m delighted to be here today with The Stiletto Gang, this fabulous group of authors. Most of you probably don’t know me. I am, after all, fairly new to […]

A Mix Bag of Topics

Do you have auto buys? I do. I have so many; there are not enough fingers and toes to count them all. But, there are only two long-running series (and I’m talking over 20 books) that I do not hesitate in buying when their release is imminent and they are J.D. Robb and Janet Evanovich […]

Readers Review!

By Bethany Maines PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Help a starving author – leave reviews for the books you read today! There’s a lot of talk these days about shopping local with the goal of supporting actual people instead of massive corporations.  Well, you can’t get much more small, local, and actual than author.  Reviews really do […]

Guidebook to Murder Releases April 17th

And I’m celebrating. What’s it like to be an author? What wild and crazy things do we do when one of our books is finally out into the world? Wild authors at the Michael Hauge workshop-St. Louis April 17th is a Thursday. So I’ll be getting up at 5am, working out for 30 minutes, playing […]

Some Tidbits About My Ongoing Blog Tour

No one ever said doing a blog tour on your own would be easy. I’ve done it enough to know how much work it is. Now that I’m in the middle of it, it should be easy, but it’s not. When I sent the requested blog posts out, I asked for a reply that they’d […]

Murder They Wrote

By Evelyn David A few weeks ago the Internet – and the Southern half of Evelyn David – exploded when The Good Wife killed off Will Gardner. Interviews with the producers, as well as with Josh Charles who played Will Gardner, have made it clear that the actor wanted out of the series. The departure would have […]

How Much Research?

By Bethany Maines So I was reading a book, which shall remain titleless to protect the guilty, and the heroine tucked her revolver into the simple elastic garter she was wearing under wedding dress, and I thought, “Well, that’s the last straw.” I didn’t finish the book because I just couldn’t handle the startling number […]