Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Real world or imaginary places?

One of my author loops started talking about setting the other day. Did people use real places in their stories, or made up ones? The answered varied from one extreme to another. Some people were like me. They used real, made up places. Confused? Let me give you an example. In the Bull Rider series, […]

While My Guitar Gently Teaches

Sparkle Abbey with Lori Rader-Day Today we’d like to share a guest post from our friend and fellow mystery author, Lori Rader-Day whose book, The Black Hour, will be out this July 8th.  Lori – You have the stage! There’s a YouTube video I can’t stop watching. It’s a clip from a tribute to George […]

Murder in the Worst Degree

Under my other name, F. M. Meredith, I write the Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery series.  Murder in the Worst Degree is number 10 in this series. Though the characters are ongoing, each mystery is complete so it isn’t necessary to read the whole series to know what is going on. My goal with this series […]

Murder Comes Ashore – Julie Anne Lindsey

by Julie Anne Lindsey Big thanks to the Stiletto Gang for allowing me to stop over and share a snip of my new release with you. I hope the excerpt makes you smile. If it does, and you’d like to read more of my newest release, Murder by the Seaside, leave a comment for the […]

The road to social media before it became social media

June 1995 That’s the year I joined AOL and discovered the AMC bulletin board, where the talks were about our favorite Daytime soap opera, All My Children. Pretty soon, we started getting personal showing concerns for our fellow friends and as a result, the Personal Posters board was born and thus the group became AMC […]

Group Disaster or Group Gold?

by Bethany Maines One of my latest writing projects is writing a joint project with my writers group of three friends. I’ve met several people who have done co-writing (the Stiletto Gang’s very own Evelyn David, for instance), but as far as I can tell a group novel is either extremely rare or just not […]

What did you give up for Lent?

Do you participate in the Lent practice of giving up something? I’m not Catholic, but my denomination followed this practice. My first year, I remember giving up Coke. I’m a real Coke addict. (The drink, not the drug.) I was at work, and had just taken a sip of my ritual mid-afternoon treat when I […]

20 Something

by Bethany Maines One of my friends recently complained that during an after work outing some twenty-something co-workers wanted to go to a popular (aka crowded bar) and once there had wanted to leave again (for another popular bar) because someone’s crush was present, but it was all an “awkward love triangle!” Having had just […]

We’re Baaaack

By Evelyn David I don’t usually count on inspiration in my work. I count on the belief that if I show up, keep my butt in the chair, hold a potato gun to my head, and make myself sit there, something writerish will happen. I’ll get some words down on paper, or the on screen. […]