Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Mind of a Writer

by Sparkle Abbey “The mind of a writer can be a truly terrifying thing. Isolated, neurotic, caffeine-addled, crippled by procrastination, consumed by feelings of panic, self-loathing, and soul-crushing inadequacy. And that’s on a good day.” Not exactly complimentary, yet as soon as Robert DeNiro delivered those words on the Academy Awards show last Sunday, Facebook […]

Things That Take Me Away from my Writing

Some of them are the same things that most female writers must grapple with every day, some, I suspect are different. 1. Laundry, and though I don’t have to do it nearly as much now that we’re down to two of us, it still has to be done. Washing, drying, folding, putting away. And I […]

Mardi Gras Madness

Growing up in Idaho, I had no idea what Mardi Gras was until I moved to St. Louis. I’d never seen a King cake. Didn’t know what significance finding the baby baked inside the cake held. So I did a little research.  Carnival actually runs from Twelfth Night in January to Ash Wednesday. Mardi Gras, […]

My Gonna-Be-A-Special Day

My Gonna-Be-A-Special Day By, Laura Bradford It’s been a little crazy in my world the past month or so, as I worked to finish the tenth book in my Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries. But I’ve finally done it. Phew! What’s most exciting for me at this moment, though, is the fact that I finished it […]

It’s Alllllivvvvvve!!

by Bethany Maines It’s here! It’s here!  Tales From the City of Destiny is finally available for purchase!  After what seems like months of writing, proofing, and review it actually exists as a really, real book. Does this feeling ever get old?  I don’t think so. Last year, this project was just an idea, barely […]

A smorgasbord of replies

It’s that time of month again when I have no idea what to write or talk about. Instead, I posted a status on my Facebook page seeking help for topic ideas and what you see below is a smorgasbord of replies. First Mystery The first mystery book I read was Encyclopedia Brown and I read […]

Okay, Here’s What’s Happening

As usual, I’ve been busy. My latest Rocky Bluff P.D. mystery, Murder in the Worst Degree, is due out in March. I’ve been busy planning the promotion for it. I’m doing another blog tour in April and had fun writing all the different posts–though it was a lot of work and took a long time. […]

Finding the Reality in Reality Shows

I love competition shows. Top Chef, Project Runway, Biggest Loser, and all the many offshoots. I even watched a season of Big Brother. Now that’s time I’ll never get back.  But the others are shows that tend to show me the value in determination, talent, and, even, self-confidence. The contestants who do the best are […]

Putting on the Sequel Panties

by Bethany Maines As my writing goal for this year, I am determined to get my third book in the Carrie Mae series fully outlined and at least one draft done.  Carrie Mae (for those who haven’t picked up Bulletproof Mascara or Compact with the Devil) is the at home make-up sales company that is […]

Odds and Ends

by Rhonda – the Southern Half of Evelyn David Let’s catch up. Amazing that it’s already February. Time is just rushing by for me. The past twelve months have been so busy at both my day job, my writing job, and my home life. I’m having a little trouble keeping up.   In Oklahoma it’s been […]