Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Love and Murder

by Sparkle Abbey February, the month of love, brings thoughts of hearts and flowers, and (at least for those of us who write crime fiction) murder. Love and murder go so well together. Why? Maybe because both involve strong emotion. Let’s see, what do you suppose the main motives are for murder? Thriller writer, John […]

Hooray, it Rained and Snowed in the Mountains

For all of you who don’t live in California, I’m sure you think I’m a bit nuts since the rest of the country has had their fill of rain and snow. But here in California, we’re having drought conditions. No rain for about two months, and this is our rainy season. We seldom have any […]

The Act of Revision

When you think of what an author does all day, most people think about the creative part. Weaving a story from an idea, or three, into a full fledged book, filled with characters, conflict, and, emotion. That happens, but not in the first draft. I’ve got revisions on the brain. I just finished my final, […]

January and Award Shows

I love the month of January because I’m an award show addict and broadcast are four shows I have watched since forever. I may not follow everything, but I just like seeing the outfits being worn and what the award shows are focused on. So far I’ve watched People’s Choice Awards: What it honors: The […]

When Procrastination Pays A Visit

When Procrastination Pays A Visit By Laura Bradford I have a lot of work to do at this particular time and I know this. I know this. Yet, despite that inarguable fact, there’s something inside me that’s moving at a snail’s pace and jumping at every chance I can find to procrastinate. Wait. There’s snow on […]

Untitled Post

If you read my post from a few weeks ago you’ll know that I was anxiously awaiting the ARC of my next book.  It was so close to perfect.  So close, but not actually perfect.  The inside looks great, but there was a tiny little printing error on the cover and the top of the […]

Now I’ve Got This Up on the Right Date Now

Actually, I thought I’d written a post for my turn on the blog, but if I did, it disappeared. So I wrote one and put it up on the wrong date–so now I’m doing it again, just realize that I wrote it a week ago. I spent Thursday through Sunday in Ventura CA–and though that’s […]

New Years Resolutions – Or Not -Part II

Hi Gang, It’s been twenty days since the New Year started.  Have you kept to your goals? Are they flexible enough to adjust when things go south? Or when your load gets heavier? Last post, I talked about my health goals. I lose weight VERY slowly. So who knows where I am today. But even […]

Stepping Out of My Comfort Zone

 by Marjorie Brody I love challenges and like to–well, not exactly like to, in fact, sometime I kick and scream–thrust myself into uncomfortable situations in order to overcome reluctant behavior. “Reluctant behavior” is so much nicer than the quaking-in-my-stilettos word, “fear”, don’t you think?  Blogging presents one of those challenges. Just thinking about writing a blog triggers […]

Permission Granted

By Evelyn David One of the things I’m finally realizing, and sadly it’s taken me way too long to reach this conclusion, is that I need to stop apologizing for being me. I certainly have given that lecture more times than I can count as my kids were growing up. Encouraging them to be independent; […]