Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Due Dates

by Bethany Maines It’s the new year! And you know what that means? That’s right, we’re drawing ever closer to my due date. Not my actual due date. I’m alternatively pretending a baby not going to imminently be spawned from my body and wishing the date would hurry up so I could stop feeling like […]

Getting Back in the Groove

The writing groove that is. It’s never easy after the holidays, and this time it seems even harder than usual. Because I was having all sorts of heart tests, had an angiogram scheduled that had to be put off for over a week because I caught the flu, had the test (which turned out much […]

New Years Resolutions or Not?

Hey gang…. It’s been six days since the New Year started. How are your goals going? Do you set goals or resolutions? For me, I’m a goal setter. Resolutions seem too dreamy. A goal is specific and time centered. So here’s one of my goals – Make healthy choices and increase fruits/veggies in my diet. […]

Sparkle Abbey vs. Downton Abbey

Downton Abbey’s long-awaited new season begins in just a few days! And just in time for the new season of Downton Abbey, we have a special contest for all of you Downton Abbey fans! The idea came to us in part because we have a Google alert set up to notify us whenever Sparkle Abbey […]

Gazing Back, Looking Ahead, Being Amazed

by Kay Kendall The end of one year and the beginning of a new one often give rise to thoughts of new beginnings, time passing, loves lost, friends gained, and the like.Such musings can be maudlin or optimistic, practical or fanciful, but in my experience, one way or the other, deeper-than-usual thoughts do bubble up. […]

Going Fallow…

Unplanted, unseeded, unsown, bare, empty, seedless… Uncreative, unproductive, barren, idle, inactive… Driving out to the in-laws place for Christmas dinner, we saw a lot of fallow land. Crops harvested and the land let sit until spring plowing. I’m feeling a lot like those forgotten fields. I wrote three books, two novellas, and a handful of […]

Christmas Memories

I’m at a loss for words. I have no idea what to talk about once a month, let alone every day. So I decided that I”ll just ramble on and perhaps a blog will come out of this. So what’s going on? It’s Christmas and the hustle and bustle of the city can be contagious. […]

And the Winners Are…

Yes, I decided to have hubby pick two names from those of you who left a comment. kk I need you to send me your mailing address and your choice of book. And Teralee, you are the other winner, and I have  your email address, so I’ll get in contact with you to find out […]

There’s Always An Upside

There’s Always An Upside By Laura Bradford I have to admit, I’m not a huge fan of today’s technology. At least not in so far as it’s making people less friendly (face to face, anyway), more impatient, and far too preoccupied with things that don’t matter. Two of my most despised aspects of the computer age […]