Entries by The Stiletto Gang

The Generosity of Mystery Authors

by Kay Kendall The first conference for mystery fans that I attended was Bouchercon 2011 in St. Louis. Previously I’d only attended writers’ conferences where would-be authors pitched manuscripts to agents and sat at the feet of those hallowed gods/goddesses called published authors. Bouchercon, billed as the “World Mystery and Suspense Conference,“ was an entirely […]

Christmas Greetings

In the spirit of Christmas, I’m going to give a copy of one of my Deputy Tempe Crabtree mysteries to one of the commenters on my post today. The person I choose at random may pick the following list of books. For the first time in ages, I actually have a print copy of each one. […]

Books That Stick

by Bethany Maines A friend recently posted a list of books that have “stuck with him.”  It was an interesting list featuring, among other things, Encyclopedia Brown and the Case of the Disgusting Sneakers. (For those who never read Encyclopedia Brown as a kid – you missed out.  Half Choose Your Own Adventure, half Sherlock […]

* ˚Gifts ✰˚* ˚

by Sparkle Abbey It’s that time of year, isn’t it? The time of year where we think about gift-giving. So, we thought it would be a great time to chat with you all about gifts.  Storytelling could be considered a gift that writers give to readers. Our local writers’ group has an event every December […]

The Oldest Web Mistress in Captivity!

By Kay Kendall Once upon a time—let’s say 1994—I directed public relations for a science institute that developed the second website in all of the great state of Texas. The scientist who designed this strange bird was proud, knowing it was The Future. However, try as he might, he could not get the other scientists […]

Not a Good Start

Though Thanksgiving itself was wonderful, delicious food, lots of family members, that evening I came down with what turned out to be the flu. (And yes, I did have a flu shot.) I truly hoped I’d be well by today as I had a procedure scheduled–but though better, I’m too sick to have what was […]

Holiday Blahs

Several days now have passed since Thanksgiving and I have to say, I’m blue. (Yes, even Santa couldn’t make me smile. And I still make that face.) I’m not sure if it’s the post turkey coma, the pumpkin marble cheesecake that I’ve decided is a perfect breakfast food, or, the let down after the build […]


By Bethany Maines Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I feel it would be traditional to catalog the things I’m thankful for.  Currently, I’m thankful that I don’t have to pee.  For those of you who aren’t Facebook friends or who missed the announcement, I am, what the old novels describe as, “in the family way.”  All […]

Untitled Post

A couple of weeks ago on my way to critique group I was involved in a traumatic incident. I was stopped at a light during rush hour traffic. I left plenty of room between me and the vehicle in front of me, but the guy behind me in a beat-up, rusted 1981 SUV was crawling […]