Entries by The Stiletto Gang

A brave new world – FACEBOOK!

by: Joelle Charbonneau Okay, Facebook has been around for a while, so it isn’t exactly brand new. Each of us have our own social media pages for us to socialize, post cat photos and talk about what we had for dinner, but as of this week we now have combined forces and have a page […]

Through the Evil Days – Julia Spencer-Fleming

The Stiletto Gang is delighted to welcome Julia Spencer-Fleming!  We are huge fans so this guest appearance has us all a-twitter…if you haven’t checked out Julia’s books featuring minister Clare Fergusson and police chief Russ Van Alstyne, now’s the time. Through the Evil Days, the seventh in this fantastic series, is on sale this November. […]

The Mental Getaway

By Laura Bradford I’m not sure if it’s the stress of my impending deadline (although I think this is going to be a really fun book) or life stuff, but I keep finding myself dreaming of places I want to go. Some, are favorite spots–places I’ve been and absolutely adore. Others, are places I simply […]

Bouchercon in Albany

This is my third year attending Bouchercon, which gives me the chance to visit cities that may or may not have been on my radar. So far I’ve been to St. Louis and Cleveland and got to see their main tourist attraction, that being the Arch and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. This […]

How to Cut?

by Bethany Maines On my first novel, Bulletproof Mascara, my agent strongly recommended removing a few chunks of the manuscript that she considered extraneous to just about everything. This was a complete misperception. Those chunks of writing were vitally, vitally important to the entire fabric of book. Although, to be honest, I now don’t remember […]

I am the world’s worst blogger

by: Joelle Charbonneau Is it Tuesday?  Which Tuesday is it?  Yikes!  I forgot that I was supposed to blog today. Sorry!  I guess this confirms what I have always believed.  That I am the WORLD’S WORST BLOGGER. I am.  I mean, part of that is probably to be expected.  Despite my understanding of when my […]

Pedaling As Fast As I Can

Kindle – Nook – Smashwords This has turned into a really busy September for both halves of Evelyn David. We’re all about moving households, roof repairs, new appliances, audiobooks, babies, family obligations, and when we get a spare minute – writing. Oh, and did I mention that I can barely type with my left hand […]

Your Dream Room

By Laura Bradford Fellow Stiletto Gang blogger, Maggie, and I are attending Bouchercon 2013 in Albany, NY at the moment. I’d hoped to have a picture or two from the conference to share with you today, but I haven’t taken any yet… So, while trying to figure out what to write, I quickly landed on […]

Bass Ackwards

I’m about 75,000 words into what will likely be an 85,000 word manuscript.  This is the second book in the Maeve Conlon series, still untitled, and still (in my opinion) without form. I kind of know what the mystery is (I’ve already killed someone and someone else is missing) but the “why” is still missing.  I’ll get […]