Entries by The Stiletto Gang

Showing Off My Cover for Spirit Shapes

Don’t you love it? The artist, Ana Winson, always seems to design the perfect cover for the book. She explained that the light wolf stands for good and the dark wolf for evil. The spirit shape in the middle is key to the story, but you’ll have to read it to find out why. Here’s […]


By Evelyn David My muse has taken a hike – like in the Himalayas. I’ve lost my MoJo, my ability to create murder and mayhem at will. It’s not that I can’t think of delightful ways to kill off villains – in real life and fictionally. But it seems I have misplaced my ability to […]

The Mindboggling Goal of Perfect Timing

 By Laura Spinella Are you a writer who sets goals?  I know lots of writers do this: daily word count goals, drop-dead date goals, NaNoWriMo inspirational goals. Right now, I’m more about the let-me-get-to-November-without-my-head-exploding goal. I’m seven weeks out from pub date, and if you’re an author, I don’t need to say any more. But […]

Book Covers & Boots

by Bethany Maines Author’s Note: I will not be writing about 9/11.  I think we’ll probably see enough of that elsewhere today, so I will be writing about something much more fun – book covers. Just as it is a truth universally acknowledged that a rich bachelor must need a wife, it also known that […]

Opinions wanted

By: Joelle Charbonneau Next week is Bouchercon – a fan conference for all mystery and thriller related.  There will be book signings, awards and panels filled with book discussions.    One of the panels I’m participating on this year at Bouchercon is about all things promotion.  How much is too much promotion?   Um…I haven’t a clue. […]

The Days of Awe

These are the Days of Awe. The period between Rosh Hashonah, the Jewish New Year that began last Wednesday evening, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, which will start this Friday night. It’s a time of reflection, of repentance, of prayer. The liturgy is full of powerful images. Several times during the 25 hours […]

And Now, About You…

By Laura Bradford If you sat at a nearby table, and watched me interact with people, you’d notice that I like to ask questions. As this little habit of mine has continued in life, I’ve come to realize there are probably two reasons for this: I’ve never quite shed my reporting hat from two decades […]

And How Do I Do So Much?

I had a completely different post planned for today but after reading Marilyn’s yesterday, I got to thinking about the topic.  People often ask me how I get so much done which interestingly, sends me into a tailspin of guilt and self-doubt because to me, I’m not getting nearly as much done as I would […]

Answering the Question, How do You Do So Much?

People ask me that question all the time, in person and online, and frankly, I don’t think I do nearly as much as some. One reason people think I do a lot is because I post what I’m planning to do nearly every day on Facebook. I’m not doing this to impress people, but to […]

Happy Labor Day from Evelyn David

      Enjoy the Holiday!      From a funeral home make-up artist, to a small town reporter, to a psychic doing ghostly social work, our characters work hard for their money. Check out our mysteries – available in  e-book, trade paperback, and now two in audiobook formats!   Audible    iTunes Audible    iTunes   Brianna Sullivan Mysteries – e-book […]